Leadership Styles and Frameworks You Should Know (2024)

By CharlotteNickerson, published May 06,2022 | Fact Checked by Saul Mcleod, PhD

Key Points

  • Leadership styles refer to leaders' characteristic behaviors in directing or managing groups of people.
  • Knowing and deliberately adjusting one's leadership style can help managers better communicate and foster positive relationships within their teams.
  • Lewin and his colleagues conducted the first notable study of leadership styles on young children completing arts and crafts projects. They identified three leadership styles: autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire.
  • There are numerous leadership styles beyond those that Lewin identified. Among them are strategic, coach-style, bureaucratic, transformational, and transactional leadership.
  • Each leadership style has its own advantages and disadvantages. As a result, the best leadership style for a manager to take on depends on their goals and the organizational circ*mstances they must cope with.

What Are Leadership Styles?

A leadership style is a leader's characteristic behaviors when directing or managing groups of people. A person's default leadership style is the way they feel most comfortable leading others to achieve their vision.

Barchiesi et al. (2007) measured the effect that leadership effectiveness had on the performance and attitudes of teams.

The researchers found that, while high leadership score indexes are not related to the past performance of a team, they are associated both to a higher probability that the team's performance will increase in the future and a higher reputability of the organizations that these teams belong to.

Information about leadership style can be powerful for managers in that it gives them an awareness of how they are perceived by others.

This awareness can enable leaders to communicate better, assess others' needs, and forge positive relationships.

Lewin's Leadership Styles

Lewin (1939) and his colleagues set out to identify different leadership styles. While other researchers have identified more, Lewin's original work has provided a basis for more defined leadership theories.

Lewin et al. began experimental research into leadership andgroup processes by 1939, looking at effective work ethics under differentstyles of leadership.

Lewin assigned schoolchildren to one of three groups with an authoritarian, democratic, or laissez-faire leader, and then led in an arts and crafts project.

Autocratic Leadership

Autocratic leadership, otherwise known as autocratic leadership, is focused on the leader. Authoritarian leaders provide clear expectations around what needs to be done, when it should be done, and when it should be done.

As a result, there is a division between the leader and members as the leader makes decisions independent from the group.

Because only one person is the decision maker in this style, decision making can be much faster than it is in other leadership styles. This can achieve the performance and decrease the stress of certain groups — such as small teams or countries in a life-or-death conflict.

On the downside, however, Autocratic leadership can lead to fear and frustration among those who follow the leader, as they feel that they are not being heard.

On the upper level, an autocratic leadership style can lead to new opportunities from those below the leader being missed, and, ultimately, a breakdown in communication.

As a result, decision making tends to be less creative. Lewin also concluded that moving from an authoritarian to democratic style, or vice-versa, is more difficult than moving between other leadership styles.

For these reasons, autocratic leadership styles are best to use when quick decisions are needed, when close supervision is necessary, and workflows need to be streamlined quickly.

The most famous autocratic leaders are dictators such as Adolph Hitler and Napoleon Bonaparte; however, there are situations where the style can provide good outcomes.

Consider the distribution of supplies and evacuation plans proceeding and following a natural disaster. If this natural disaster was particularly unexpected, those who normally make decisions about, say, rescuing others and distributing food may have very little time to make a decision.

Leadership styles that slow down the pace of decision making — such as democratic or laissez-faire leadership — have considerable disadvantages over an autocratic style that allows the leader to quickly make decisions.

Autocratic leadership styles are also useful in situations where subordinates know little about the problem at hand, and do not have the time to learn. For example, consider a plane that lands on water.

The flight attendants on the plane have a limited amount of time to evacuate the passengers on specialized life rafts.

In this situation, the flight attendants may lead the passengers autocratically, providing precise instructions for the passengers to follow for the task at hand.

Democratic Leadership

Lewin's original (1939) study on schoolchildren found that, generally, participative or democratic leadership was most often the most effective in making arts and crafts.

Democratic leaders offer guidance to group members while also allowing participation and input from other group members. While children in this group were less productive than those of the authoritarian group, their contributions were of a higher quality.

In contrast to autocratic leadership, those who use democratic leadership focus on the team, meaning that team members share decision making.The shared decision making of democratic teams can reduce the risk of complete failure, as members bring their own perspectives to their decisions, as well as leading to a higher team morale and more cooperative working environment.

On the downside, democratic leadership can lead to slow decision making as well as an over-dependence of individuals on the team. These two factors can combine to create collaborative burden.

According to Lewin, democratic leadership is best used when team members are experts and it is necessary to create ownership.

Democratic leaders aim to empower subordinates by allowing them to participate in decision making; however, ultimately, the final decision is up to the leader.

Two historical examples of successful democratic leadership are that of General Dwight Eisenhower and Nelson Mandela.

In the business world, a democratic CEO may participate in meetings with their subordinates, where participants can put forth their opinions and silent team members are specifically asked for their opinions to make sure all perspectives are heard.

For example, in deciding how highly to price a product, the democratic leader may consider the feedback and opinions of a large group before coming to a final decision.

Laissez-faire Leadership

In Laissez-faire leadership, the leader allows the team to self-direct, rather than interfering directly with decision making. In this style, all of the authority to set goals, solve problems, and make decisions is given to subordinates.

From the leader's perspective, the goal of laissez-faire leadership is to build a strong team and then avoid interference.Laissez-faire leaders are typically concerned with the creation and articulation of their vision as well as which steps to take to achieve their vision.

However, once the leader's vision has been articulated, it then becomes the team's task to figure out how to implement it.Laissez-faire leadership tends to work in the high levels of an organization, where senior leaders appoint other senior leaders and allow them to solve particular problems (Lewin, 1939).

One advantage of laissez-faire leadership is that it creates personal responsibility. Another is that it supports fast course corrections, as motivated people working autonomously overcome problems and adjust their direction far more quickly than they would if they needed to seek approval.

Lastly, laissez-faire leadership supports higher retention within organizations (Chaudhry & Javed, 2012).

Laissez-faire leadership tends to work best in situations where an organization's team members are highly skilled and thus able to overcome barriers more quickly than they would if they were waiting for the leader to create a response to the problem.

Perhaps the most notable example of laissez-faire leadership in the business world is Warren buffet.For example, consider a research lab with many highly-skilled scientists working on their own projects.

During the group meeting, the lab's leader may sit in the chair, only offering their opinion when it is specifically sought out by a team member.

Individual team members may bring up their problems and solve them through the efforts of the group, but not the leader.

As a result, each scientist is able to exercise autonomy and hold a sense of personal responsibility over their research.

Additional Leadership Styles and Models

Transformational leaders model behavior, set clear goals, have high expectations, and offer support. At the core of the style is the presenting of a compelling vision and a set of values to work by.

Transformational leaders create a culture that tends to avoid blame, rather focusing on the problems that the team faces collectively and how these can be solved.

Transformational leaders are often known as "quiet leaders," preferring to model behavior rather than explicate on it.

They are also known for not making detailed plans, instead facilitating conversations between people inside and outside of an organization to achieve their end.

On the upside, transformational leadership can balance the need for both short and long-term goals. Subordinates often trust transformational leaders because they behave with integrity and form coalitions.

And, thirdly, transformational leaders have vision focused communication. By communicating about a long-term goal objectively and passionately, transformational leaders can keep everyone in the organization motivated and brought-in to achieving the vision.

However, there are also disadvantages to transformational leadership. Firstly, it can be ineffective in the beginning. This happens because transformational leadership is based on trust.

At the beginning of their tenure, before they have built trust and collaborations within their organization, it may be difficult for others to unite with the leader in pursuing a shared goal.Another disadvantage of transformational leadership is its de-emphasis on details.

Because transformational leaders are motivated to inspire others, they can struggle with the details of day-to-day implementation.Transformational leadership is most effective when a team needs a long-term inspiring vision, when the right to lead has been earned, and when an urgent, short-term focus is not necessary.

Transformational organization is often not appropriate when someone is new to an organization, and is yet to build trust with their team.

The transactional leadership style views the relationship between leaders and followers like a transaction. In this view, the follower joins the leader and agrees to be compensated for meeting specific goals or performance criteria.

The transactional leader then validates the relationship between performance and reward in a way that encourages the subordinate to improve performance.

According to Kahai et al. (2004), group efficacy was higher under the transactional leadership condition than others.

Transactional leaders tend to focus on task completion and employee compliance and rely heavily on organizational rewards and punishments (Burns, 2003).

Illustrative Example: Transformational and Transactional Leadership in Sales

Transactional leadership is common in situations where a leader's relationship with their subordinate consists of the leader purchasing some product or resource from that subordinate.

This can often be seen in sales roles, where employees receive commissions — a portion of the price of the product that they are selling to someone else — in exchange for good performance.

Although transactional leadership is seen as the most common style in sales, there have been studies that show that transformational leadership may actually improve performance more.

For instance, MacKenzie, Podsakoff, and Rich (2001) examined the impact of transformational and transactional leadership behaviors on sale performance and the extent to which salespeople believe that they are part of an organization, as well as the mediating role played by trust and role ambiguity in the process.

The researchers found that transformational leader behaviors actually have a stronger direct and indirect relationship with sales performance and organizational citizen behavior than transactional leader behaviors, accounting for biases.

Strategic leadership, first discussed by , balances the ability to influence teams to make decisions that lead to long-term success with understanding the current cultural and financial context of the organization. By doing this, strategic leaders can link long-range visions and concepts to daily work.

According to Davies and Davies (2004), strategic leaders have the organizational ability to:

  1. be strategically oriented;
  2. translate strategy into action;
  3. align people and organizations;
  4. determine effective strategic intervention points;
  5. develop strategic competencies.

Strategic leaders have these organizational abilities because they display:

  1. dissatisfaction or restlessness with the present;
  2. absorptive capacity;
  3. adaptive capacity;
  4. wisdom

Like transformational leadership, strategic leadership is visionary, focusing on understanding the current existing realities while also developing a clear sense of direction for the organization (Korac-Kakabadse & Kakabadse, 1998).

On the upside, this "visioning" can encourage debate and create strategic conversations based on future scenarios (Davies & Davies, 2007).

However, powerful visions can actually do damage to an organization.

By creating and communicating a clear vision, and by creating conditions that require a leader's followers to commit themselves to that vision, Schwenk (1997) argues, a leader is in danger of imposing uniformity of thinking and stifling healthy debate, destroying the dissent and discussion which are essential to creative decision making.

Bureaucratic leadership relies on a clear hierarchy, strict regulations, and conformity by its followers.

The style aims to acquire rationality as well as avoid ambiguity (Aydin, 2010). The style is characterized by:

  • Well-structured management, often with written rules and regulations. Hers, managers must pay attention to details and formal rules that outline the rights and responsibilities of subordinates;
  • A formal, well-defined, hierarchical structure, where subordinates are selected and promoted based on qualification and specialization;- Strong managers who work on maintaining the well-structured framework for what is oftentimes a large workforce; and,
  • Task-oriented managers who clearly defined tasks to subordinates and put forth guidelines.

Bureaucratic leadership is advantageous in that it is scalable, predictable, seeks to create best practices, leads to a strong level of job security, centralizes duties and roles within teams, and encourages familiarity (Kaleem, Asad, & Khan, 2013).

However, the style also tends to limit forward movement within organizations, may lead to stifled productivity, is often based on a quotas system, often bases decisions on cost structures, allows less space for team input and creativity than some other styles, is not necessarily efficient, and can be difficult in the face of change.

Coach-style leadership is characterized by collaboration, and guidance. Leaders focus on recognizing each team member's strengths, weaknesses, and motivations in order to help them improve. In opposition to Lewin's autocratic-style leadership, coach-style leaders focus on bringing out the best in individual team members over top-down decision making. Overtime, this leads to short-term problem-solving being replaced by longer term strategic thinking (Berg & Karlsen, 2016).

Coach-style leadership has many characteristics. Lee et al. (2020) explicates on them as:

  • Feedback provided by both management and the team. Everyone, regardless of their status in the organization, is encouraged to take constructive feedback and act upon it.
  • Leaders become effective communicators that share, engage, and listen to the team.
  • Delegation is effective and deliberate. This enables employees to work to their strengths and grow their skills. Team members are credited with their successes.
  • The leader's objective is to help their teams visualize the goals behind what they are doing. After communicating this vision, leaders can allow their subordinates the autonomy to complete their own work.
  • Micromanaging is discouraged. Instead, the coach-style leader is motivated in enabling others to succeed and reach personal and group goals.
  • Clear empathy and awareness in the leader's action and communication.
  • Encouraging the personal and professional development of employees.
  • Opportunities for individual growth and creative thinking.

Coach-style leadership can be effective in environments where people lack the skills or knowledge to reach a shared vision or have otherwise become worn-down by providing direction and motivation and encouraging skill development.

This results in a more robust and effective team. Addition positives of coach-style leadership include (Lee et al., 2020):

  • Employees that spend more time sharing knowledge and engaging in growth and development;
  • Lower staff turnover;-
  • A greater awareness of the challenges an organization faces and more creativity in how they can be resolved;
  • Long-term, sustainable performance improvements;
  • A feeling that staff benefit from being valued and increasingly related to the environment;
  • An increased sense of competence among staff and timely, constructive feedback that helps them continue their development;
  • Constructive two-way communication and collaboration;
  • A supportive environment enabling creativity;- Increased trust and empathy in leaders; and,
  • Greater autonomy as employees find solutions to their own problems.

Nonetheless, coach-style leadership also has disadvantages. It (Lee, 2020):

  • Leads to longer delivery times for tasks and goal completion. This makes coach-style leadership difficult to implement in a fast-paced, high-pressure, or in companies that want timely, predictable results;
  • Is difficult to implement if staff are unwilling to receive or are fearful of negative feedback;
  • Requires managers to spend more time with their staff.

One notable example of coach-style leadership is that at Microsoft. When Satya Nadella became CEO of Microsoft in 2014, the culture was stagnant and fixed.

Nadella encouraged his staff to learn from mistakes rather than avoiding or hiding from them, shifting the company from one that valued "knowing" to one valuing learning.

Participative leadership is one of the four participative decision-making styles. It is a leadership style in which, as the name suggests, all team members are encouraged to provide input and thoughts about group goals and decisions.

Some well-known examples of participative leaders include Bill Gates and Jim Lentz.

About the Author

Charlotte Nickerson is a member of the Class of 2024 at Harvard University. Coming from a research background in biology and archeology, Charlotte currently studies how digital and physical space shapes human beliefs, norms, and behaviors and how this can be used to create businesses with greater social impact.

Fact Checking

Content is rigorously reviewed by a team of qualified and experienced fact checkers. Fact checkers review articles for factual accuracy, relevance, and timeliness. We rely on the most current and reputable sources, which are cited in the text and listed at the bottom of each article. Content is fact checked after it has been edited and before publication.

Cite this Article (APA Style)

Nickerson, C. (2022, May 06). Leadership Styles and Frameworks You Should Know. Simply Psychology. www.simplypsychology.org/leadership-styles.html

APA Style References

Barchiesi, M. A., La Bella, A. (2007). Leadership styles of the world’s most admired companies: A holistic approach to measuring leadership effectiveness. International Conference on Management Science & Engineering..

Berg, M. E., & Karlsen, J. T. (2016). A study of coaching leadership style practice in projects. Management Research Review.

Burns, J. M. (2003). Transforming leadership: A new pursuit of happiness. Grove Press.

Chaudhry, A. Q., & Javed, H. (2012). Impact of transactional and laissez faire leadership style on motivation. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(7).

Davies, B. J., & Davies, B. (2004). Strategic leadership. School leadership & management, 24(1), 29-38.

Kahai, S. S., Sosik, J. J., & Avolio, B. J. (2004). Effects of participative and directive leadership in electronic groups. Group & Organization Management, 29(1), 67-105.

Kaleem, Y., Asad, S., & Khan, H. (2013). Leadership styles and using appropriate styles in different circ*mstances.

Korac-Kakabadse, A., Korac-Kakabadse, N., & Myers, A. (1998). Demographics and leadership philosophy: exploring gender differences. Journal of Management Development.

Lee, A., Legood, A., Hughes, D., Tian, A. W., Newman, A., & Knight, C. (2020). Leadership, creativity and innovation: a meta-analytic review. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 29(1), 1-35.

Lewin, K. (1939). Experiments in social space. Harvard Educational Review.

MacKenzie, S. B., Podsakoff, P. M., & Rich, G. A. (2001). Transformational and transactional leadership and salesperson performance. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 29(2), 115-134.

Schwenk, C. R. (1997). The case for ‘weaker leadership. Business Strategy Review, 8(3), 4-9.

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Leadership Styles and Frameworks You Should Know (2024)


What is your leadership style best answer? ›

Example Answer #1:

“I would describe my leadership style as direct, and leading by example. I enjoy delegating tasks and taking the lead on projects, but I also like to stay involved and inspire my team by showing that I'm working hands-on to help them, too.

What are the four important leadership styles Why is it important explain? ›

» Autocratic leaders have a high task emphasis and low people emphasis. » Democratic leaders have a high task emphasis as well as a high people emphasis. » Transformational leaders have a low task emphasis and high people emphasis. » Laissez-faire leaders have a low task emphasis and low people emphasis.

What are 4 leadership styles give examples of each? ›

4 Different Types of Leadership Styles
  • Autocratic or Authoritarian leadership. An autocratic leader centralizes power and decision-making in himself. ...
  • Democratic or Participative leadership. Participative or democratic leaders decentralise authority. ...
  • The Laissez-faire or Free-rein leadership. ...
  • Paternalistic leadership.

What is the 3 most commonly observed styles of leadership? ›

Leadership style is a leader's approach to providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people. In 1939, psychologist Kurt Lewin and a team of researchers determined that there were three basic leadership styles: Authoritarian (Autocratic), Participative (Democratic) and Delegative (Laissez-Faire).

What 3 words would best describe your leadership style? ›

Personally, I use these three words to define leadership and keep focused on terms that allow for personal leadership traits to be effective: Vision. Direction. Support.

What is leadership style in simple words? ›

A leadership style refers to a leader's methods, characteristics and behaviors when directing, motivating, and managing their teams.

What are the 10 common leadership styles? ›

  • Autocratic Leadership.
  • Transactional Leadership.
  • Bureaucratic Leadership.
  • Charismatic Leadership.
  • Transformational Leadership.
  • Coaching Leadership.
  • Democratic Leadership.
  • Collaborative Leadership.
18 Aug 2020

What are the four qualities of a good leader? ›

Effective leaders are competent, skilled, secure, and considerate. These leaders find time for everyone; they are genuine and authentic in their communications and actions.

What makes a good leader? ›

Respectful: Great leaders treat their teams with respect, gaining respect in return. Transparent: Being open and honest makes work more efficient and enjoyable. Trusting: Leadership requires delegation–trusting their team to complete what they are assigned with excellence produces positive morale and mutual respect.

What are the top 7 keys to successful leadership? ›

7 Keys to Becoming a Super Effective Leader
  1. Don't take It all too seriously. Without a doubt, running a company is serious business. ...
  2. Recognize achievements. Every employee wants to do a good job. ...
  3. Set goals. ...
  4. Delegate wisely. ...
  5. Think about lasting solutions. ...
  6. Make time for employees. ...
  7. Communicate.
29 Jan 2018

What are the five 5 fundamentals of leadership? ›

What are the fundamentals of leadership?
  • Communication. Leaders would be hard-pressed to accomplish anything worthwhile without an effective way to communicate across the entire organization. ...
  • Visionary and strategic thinking. ...
  • Empowerment. ...
  • Adaptability. ...
  • Self-awareness.
9 Dec 2021

Which leadership style is most effective and why? ›

Democratic leadership is one of the most popular leadership styles because it involves input from the entire team and fosters employees' sense of ownership in their work.

Why is leadership important in simple words? ›

In simple words, leadership is about taking risks and challenging the status quo. Leaders motivate others to achieve something new and better. Interestingly, leaders do what they do to pursue innovation, not as an obligation. They measure success by looking at the team's achievements and learning.

What is the most important leadership skill and why? ›


Motivating employees, inspiring them, and fostering enthusiasm for projects is one of the most important leadership qualities and a key to success because only motivated employees are good employees.

What are the 4 C's of leadership? ›

A long time ago, I was inculcated with leadership principles called the “4 C's” -- competency, commitment, courage, and candor --which I still argue are the right basic leader values from initial leadership roles to senior positions of authority.

What are leadership styles examples? ›

8 Different Leadership Styles (and Their Pros and Cons)
  • Transactional Leadership. ...
  • Transformational Leadership. ...
  • Servant Leadership. ...
  • Democratic Leadership. ...
  • Autocratic Leadership. ...
  • Bureaucratic Leadership. ...
  • Laissez-Faire Leadership. ...
  • Charismatic Leadership.
14 Oct 2022

What four styles can leaders use to make decisions? ›

The four decision-making styles include:

Analytical. Directive. Conceptual. Behavioral.

What are the three key elements of a leadership style? ›

Three key qualities of an effective leader
  • Strong Character. Leaders with strong character earn the respect of their peers. ...
  • Committed, Swift Decision Making. ...
  • Available When You Need Them. ...
  • Additional Resources.

What leadership style puts people first? ›

Servant leadership

A servant leader puts people first. They believe team members who feel personally and professionally fulfilled will be more efficient and regularly produce quality work. They tend to have a high level of respect from the people they lead due to their focus on employee satisfaction and collaboration.

How can I describe my leadership skills? ›

Sample answer: “Leadership is about collaboration and inspiring others to do their best work. I aim to be direct and collaborate with my team members by delegating tasks, leading by example, and making sure they know I care.”

Can you explain some leadership styles? ›

What Are Leadership Styles? Leadership styles are classifications of how a person behaves while leading a group. Lewyn's leadership styles are authoritarian (autocratic), participative (democratic), and delegative (laissez-faire).

What is your greatest leadership strength? ›

The 8 Leadership Strengths to learn:
  • Self-awareness.
  • Situational awareness.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Effective negotiation skills.
  • Conflict resolution skills.
  • Collaboration skills and intercultural sensitivity.
  • Ability to work with different personal styles and approaches.

What are the 6 main leadership styles? ›

According to Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee, there are six emotional leadership styles – Authoritative, Coaching, Affiliative, Democratic, Pacesetting, and Coercive. Each style has a different effect on the emotions of the people that you're leading.

What are the 14 leadership styles? ›

It will also give you an understanding of leadership courses you may want to take to hone your skills.
  • Democratic Leadership. ...
  • Autocratic Leadership. ...
  • Laissez-faire Leadership. ...
  • Strategic Leadership. ...
  • Transformational Leadership. ...
  • Transactional Leadership. ...
  • Coach-Style Leadership. ...
  • Bureaucratic Leadership.
30 Mar 2022

How do you become an effective team leader? ›

Top 10 Qualities of a Good Team Leader
  1. Leadership is not all about you. ...
  2. Honesty, Integrity and Humility. ...
  3. Hold your team (and yourself) accountable. ...
  4. Good leaders make a decisive commitment to a vision. ...
  5. Know thy self and believe in thy self. ...
  6. Successful team leaders speak well and listen better. ...
  7. Achieve goals in good time.

What does good leadership look like? ›

As well as providing direction, inspiration, and guidance, good leaders exhibit courage, passion, confidence, commitment, and ambition. They nurture the strengths and talents of their people and build teams committed to achieving common goals.

How would you describe a good leader in one word? ›

A successful leader is a virtuous leader. Their integrity, honesty and character are reflected in everything they do. Their inner moral compass guides every thought and action. A successful leader is a purposeful leader.

What are the 9 different leadership styles? ›

9 Types of Leadership Styles Explained
  • Authoritarian. Authoritarian leadership emphasizes the distinction between the leader and followers. ...
  • Democratic. ...
  • Affiliative. ...
  • Coaching. ...
  • Visionary. ...
  • Laissez-faire. ...
  • Pacesetting. ...
  • Commanding.

What are the 8 major leadership theories? ›

Major leadership theories.
  • --Behavioral theory. The behavioral leadership theory focuses on how leaders behave, and assumes that these traits can be copied by other leaders. ...
  • --Contingency theory. ...
  • --Great Man theory. ...
  • --Management theory. ...
  • --Participative theory. ...
  • --Power theory. ...
  • --Relationship theory.
7 Apr 2020

What 5 qualities make you a good leader in the workplace? ›

Good leaders possess self-awareness, garner credibility, focus on relationship-building, have a bias for action, exhibit humility, empower others, stay authentic, present themselves as constant and consistent, become role models and are fully present.

What is the key to leadership? ›

The key to leadership success is to learn to effectively delegate both the responsibility for completing assignments and the authority required to get things done. Many bosses feel that they need to control every little thing that their employees do.

What leadership style do people prefer? ›

Democratic leadership style

Also called participative leadership, it requires the leader to be intelligent, creative, considerate, and competent. In any workplace scenario, democratic leadership style is most preferred over other leadership styles.

Which leadership style is best for teamwork? ›

Teamwork can be best achieved when the leader motivates the team and works along with the team. This form of leadership is known as the participative leadership or collaborative leadership style (Sohmen, 2013).

What is a strong leadership? ›

Strong leadership is when you can encourage, motivate, inspire and challenge your team to produce their best work. Strong leadership connects a team together through a common purpose and builds relationships in the workplace that allow for effective communication, more creativity and better problem-solving skills.

What is the most important knowledge a leader should have? ›

You first need to identify the essential leadership skills which are:
  • Effective communication.
  • Problem solving.
  • Relationship building.
  • Striving for feedback.
  • Trustworthiness.
  • Empathy for team.

What are 4 leadership concepts? ›

There are several main types of leadership theories: trait, behavioral, management, relationship and situational theories. Each of these types of theories is based on specific foundations that are rooted in how a leader takes action, manages a team of people, makes decisions and adapts to different situations.

What is 4Cs framework? ›

The 4C Framework is composed of four elements: Customer, Competition, Cost, and Capabilities. The structure is useful to get a better understanding of the client and important during your case interview.

What is a Level Four leader? ›

Level 4—People Development

Leaders become great not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others. That is what leaders do on Level 4. They use their position, relationships and productivity to invest in their followers and develop them until those followers become leaders in their own right.

What is the best leadership style for successful managers today? ›

Management Styles
  • Results-based.
  • Autocratic.
  • Authoritative.
  • Participative.
  • Coaching.
  • Transformational.
  • Collaborative.
  • Visionary.

What is the best style in decision-making? ›

Directive decision-making

Their decisions are rooted in their own knowledge, experience, and rationale, rather than going to others for more information. The upside to this style is decision-making is quick, ownership is clear, and it doesn't require extra communication.

How do you lead a difficult team? ›

7 Steps for Dealing with a Difficult Team Member
  1. Acknowledge the problem. A. ...
  2. Be direct and talk about it. Speak to your team member about the problem. ...
  3. Listen. ...
  4. Come up with a solution for the difficult team member. ...
  5. Stay professional. ...
  6. Pay attention and follow up. ...
  7. Know when to escalate.
24 Jan 2018

How do you handle a difficult situation as a leader? ›

Be consistent - Make sure it's one rule for everyone, always. Don't become more lenient with certain employees or when you feel tired. This can lead to employees choosing not to follow regulations. Be courageous - Firing someone is difficult.

What are the 7 basic leadership styles? ›

There are seven common leadership styles in management, each of which has its place in a leader's toolkit:
  • Autocratic Leadership.
  • Pacesetting Leadership.
  • Transformational Leadership.
  • Coaching Leadership.
  • Democratic Leadership.
  • Affiliative Leadership.
  • Delegative Leadership.
16 Oct 2019

What are the best style of leadership? ›

The 8 Most Effective Leadership Styles
  • Democratic Leadership. ...
  • Autocratic Leadership. ...
  • Laissez-Faire Leadership. ...
  • Transactional Leadership. ...
  • Charismatic Leadership. ...
  • Transformational Leadership. ...
  • Servant Leadership. ...
  • Bureaucratic Leadership.
19 Jan 2022

What is your leadership style lead by example? ›

Leading by example is a leadership style where you model the behavior you want to see in your team members. When you lead by example, you don't just push team members towards excellence—rather, you actively demonstrate that excellence.

What are the 3 leadership styles give an example of each? ›

There are three basic styles of leadership decision-making: authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire. Authoritarian leaders rule their groups, democratic leaders try to include everyone in the decision-making process, and laissez-faire leaders let the group function without much - if any - interference.

What makes good leader? ›

Respectful: Great leaders treat their teams with respect, gaining respect in return. Transparent: Being open and honest makes work more efficient and enjoyable. Trusting: Leadership requires delegation–trusting their team to complete what they are assigned with excellence produces positive morale and mutual respect.

What is the most important skill of a good leader? ›

The ten most important leadership qualities
  1. Communication. The ability to communicate is deemed an important leadership quality by many. ...
  2. Set a good example. ...
  3. Readiness to take on and give up responsibility. ...
  4. Motivation. ...
  5. Recognise and foster potential. ...
  6. Tolerate mistakes. ...
  7. Flexibility. ...
  8. Set goals and expectations.

What is effective leadership? ›

Effective leadership is about executing the company's vision (or redefining and improving it, in some cases) and setting the tone and the culture for that particular organization. Leadership means creating and planning, securing resources, and looking out for and improving errors.

How do you strengthen your team? ›

Some universal rules will work well for any business.
  1. Create a positive working environment. ...
  2. Define goals. ...
  3. Clear roles and responsibilities. ...
  4. Set the basic rules for the team. ...
  5. Make two-way communication. ...
  6. Use the best communication channels. ...
  7. Use online tools. ...
  8. Strengthen team spirit.

What is an example of good leadership? ›

One key example of a good leader is someone who communicates clearly and effectively. Good leaders understand that just because they say or write something doesn't mean all the recipients understand the message. A good leader follows up on emails and memos.

What are the 3 C's of leadership? ›

The next time you are leading your team, focus on your mindset and decide to be a three-C leader: competent, committed and with strong character. When we do that, our employees win, and when they win, we all win.

What are the 3 P's of leadership? ›

The requirements of a leader are guided by three performance factors: Professional, People and Pioneering (3Ps), according to a research conducted by Willis Towers Watson.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.