How to Successfully Self-Teach Yourself a Subject - Cegast Academy (2024)

Today you are going to learn how you can successfully self-teach yourself a school subject.

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Have you ever wondered how you or someone you care about can independently study a subject and go on to score a good grade in an external examination?

In this post, I intend to share with you what I did personally to successfully self-study a number of high school level subjects.

I will also show you what you need to be doing to become a successful private candidate following your self-teaching.

I am a great fan of homeschooling and self-education so I preach it at the least opportunity. Are you one of those who desire to study at home as a means to achieving their educational and life goals?

Then this post is good news for you.

1My goal for doing this.


3Before you begin to have ideas.

5Find your passion.

6Start early

7Get the vital resources

9Leave nothing to chance.

10Some tips will do.


My goal for doing this.

If you are an independent learner or desiring to be one, I trust very much that the points I’ll be making in this article will serve as a guide and an inspiration for you to go ahead and achieve your aim.


I left Middle School without any hope of moving on to secondary school. I’ve stated the reason for this situation elsewhere.

The obvious option left was what was then known as a post-middle teacher training college. So I found myself there. We were trained to go back to teach at the basic school level. For that matter, much of the curriculum was about general educational principles and the most basic topics in subjects being taught at the basic level.

For most of us, therefore, the thought of advancing to university was a really tall order.

But there was always a way out.

Find the money to attend special GCE Ordinary Level classes organized for ambitious Cert-A teachers/students (that’s our qualification), attempt and pass a few “extra-curricular” subjects and keep hoping.

God willing, one day you might obtain the required grades in enough ‘O’ Level subjects, pass your Advanced Level subjects as well and see yourself in university.

Can you imagine!

Few exceptional individuals did this. No question about that. But for the overwhelming majority, either the difficulty in studying completely new subjects or the inability to afford the prohibitive tuition for those special classes put them off. I was one of such disadvantaged ones.

So how did I end up at the university? Well, I did it somehow.

Before you begin to have ideas.

I still hope and pray that I’ll not be forced to pay a bribe or cheat in an examination for the rest of my life. The mere thought of these two sickens me. I enjoy paying the price for each personal goal I intend to achieve.

That’s all I did. I paid the price. And that is exactly what you must do. Be willing to pay the price. You have what it takes to do so unless you’re not wired to be good at academic work. I don’t mean exceptional. Just good. That’s enough.

Another thing: you need to have a desire strong enough.

If others can teach themselves subjects like Literature, Economics, General Science, Mathematics, Government, etc., and go on to become majors in them at college, why can’t you? You definitely can!

And I’m about to show you how.

And remember, your age does not really matter. I’m yet to come across an examination board or university which sets age barriers as part of its admission requirements.

I now present to you the steps you need to take to successfully study a subject on your own.

How to Successfully Self-Teach Yourself a Subject - Cegast Academy (1)

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Find your passion.

I’ve heard people say that the only subjects anyone can study independently are the so-called reading subjects. That’s the greatest fallacy ever propagated.

The truth is if you don’t have the passion for studying Literature, History, or Economics, you’ll flop miserably should you attempt to study them on your own. In fact, even a dedicated teacher may not be able to save you. So what are they talking about?


In a similar vein, your passion and talent for number crunching will certainly make you self-study the sciences, including Mathematics, successfully. That is if you give it all you have.

Let’s move to our next point.

Start early

Take this from me. Being your own teacher in a subject to which no one has ever introduced you is not an easy thing. That is why you need to start your studies early or long before the examination. This calls for a very high level of self-discipline and commitment.

When I tell you I did these things successfully, I never added that I started late and took things easy. It will never work that way.

You will only succeed at being your own supporter if you know how to discipline yourself.

Genius apart, you will not go far if you wait till a couple of months or weeks to the examination to begin studying that totally new subject.


22 Reading Comprehension Past Questions and Answers

30 Job Opportunities for General Arts Students

Get the vital resources

There are three key resources every private candidate needs in order to prepare effectively for an examination.

  • Good textbooks.

You need not buy brand-new textbooks unless you can afford them. Contact former students, former candidates, and supportive teachers you know to give you used ones. Used books did much of the trick for me even though I had to buy a few new ones.

Today, it is possible to find equally good study material on the internet to supplement what you find in your textbooks. All you need is a good internet connection and the productive use of your online time.

Do I need to tell you that spending long hours on social media checking and posting photos is a non-starter?

  • Current syllabus.

This is a must for any examination subject you intend to study as an independent learner. A subject syllabus is to the indie student what a compass is to a sailor.

A subject syllabus is to the indie student what a compass is to a sailor.

Study your syllabus diligently. Pay close attention to major sections, units, and topics. Know what deserves your immediate attention and what you can put aside for a much later date.

  • Past question papers

Collect as many recent past question papers as possible. Past questions will help you to strategize for the examination. You can’t be a serious private candidate if you can’t boast of a handful of past questions in your possession.

Past questions will help you to get to know the kind of questions you will have to answer. In fact, you will do well to attempt answering a large number of past questions on your own as part of your preparations.

  • A fourth one.

Get the marking scheme if you can.

I was not lucky enough to obtain the marking scheme for any one of those subjects I had to study independently. If I had, my life would have been much easier.

Though it is not a must, I will urge you to make the effort to lay your hands on the marking scheme – if it’s possible. It can also serve as a useful guide.

Test yourself regularly

Don’t forget for a second that you’re virtually left to your own devices in this matter. One trick I found most rewarding was to set standard questions for myself, get someone to serve as my mock invigilator as I sat through it all.

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Learn English Through Pdf English Conversation About A Favorite Subject

Afterward, I assessed my own work as objectively as I could. I sat for about a dozen of those self-styled mock tests before I went on to sit for the actual exam.

One benefit of testing yourself sufficiently as an independent learner is that it makes you learn to use examination time efficiently. Another is that you will get used to the atmosphere, albeit in a mock way, before facing the actual battle.

One benefit of testing yourself sufficiently as an independent learner is that it makes you learn to use examination time efficiently.

Leave nothing to chance.

Today, as I devote part of my time to preparing private candidates for external examinations, I always advise them to leave nothing to chance.
Being an independent student means that you must be thorough in everything you do.

A lacklustre attitude will not make you the success case your desire. So right from your preparation days to the day of the test do everything expected of you. And make sure you do it thoroughly.

Some tips will do.

Study all topics in the syllabus – especially the key ones.

Practice how to answer questions without deviating

Make sure to write legibly.

Provide enough illustrations as part of your answers, if required.

Read over your final work and correct any lingering errors.

Avoid doing anything that breaches examination rules.

Remember this always. It’s no use giving any excuse to whoever will be marking your scripts to award you marks lower than what you’re capable of scoring.


From years of experience, I’ve come to the conclusion that independent learning is an art and a science at the same time. To win at self-teaching, you will have to follow your passions and study what you love to study so you can have fun while learning.

At the same time too, there are certain principles to follow to get the results you want.

The bottom line is this: anyone, including you or that loved one of yours, no matter their age or environment, can win at independent learning provided they are wired for academic work in the first place.

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Photo byNikhita SonUnsplash

How to Successfully Self-Teach Yourself a Subject - Cegast Academy (2024)


What is the best way to teach yourself a subject? ›

Here are some tips for practicing successful self-studying:
  1. Set realistic goals. ...
  2. Find what works for you. ...
  3. Review material the same day you learn it. ...
  4. Study in short, frequent sessions. ...
  5. Prepare and maintain your study environment.

How do I start loving my subjects? ›

10 Ways to Have Fun While You Study
  1. Listen to good music. ...
  2. Turn it into a game for yourself. ...
  3. Turn it into a game with others. ...
  4. Use nice stationery. ...
  5. Try roleplay. ...
  6. Study somewhere different. ...
  7. Challenge yourself. ...
  8. Write comics, short stories or songs.

What are the 3 secret study tips? ›

3 Secret Study Tips
  • Know what your lecturers want. Before you start studying a topic, write down your lecturer's learning objectives for that topic. ...
  • Make a study plan. Many people waste time when they study because they don't have a plan. ...
  • Use effective study techniques.

How can I improve my self study skills? ›

Here are 11 tips to improve your study habits:
  1. Find a good place to study.
  2. Minimize distractions.
  3. Take breaks.
  4. Space out your studying.
  5. Set study goals for each session.
  6. Reward yourself.
  7. Study with a group.
  8. Take practice tests.
15 Sept 2022

Which time is best for self-study? ›

Numerous studies prove that your critical thinking and analytical skills are quite effective between 2 PM to 5 PM. During this time, your brain can be very efficient at integrating and processing any new information that you have acquired. Afternoons are also an excellent time for creative learning.

How many hours should I study? ›

If you have kept a good daily and weekly schedule, 15-20 hours should be about right for a mid-term, 20-30 for a final exam.

Why am I weak in my studies? ›

Study Smarter

Many students who do poorly in examinations have a common complaint : “I study so much yet I don't get good grades”. The underlying cause of this is lack of concentration and focus. Don't let your mind drift away while studying your weak subjects.

What is the hardest school subject? ›

The hardest degree subjects are Chemistry, Medicine, Architecture, Physics, Biomedical Science, Law, Neuroscience, Fine Arts, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Economics, Education, Computer Science and Philosophy. Let's dive right in, and look at why these subjects are the hardest degree subjects.

How many hours should a student study per day? ›

5–6 hours can gain you a solid rank, and if you have 8–10 hours to spare, you'll almost surely be in the top 50–100.

How do people study 22 hours a day? ›

Having said that here are seven steps you can take to study long hours without getting overly tired or drowsy:
  1. Prioritize your schedule: take up difficult topics early in the day. ...
  2. Exercise. ...
  3. Steal a nap. ...
  4. Eat to maintain energy levels. ...
  5. Conserve your mental energy. ...
  6. Take regular breaks. ...
  7. If possible, study/ work in daylight.
16 Sept 2022

How can I remember what I study in 15 minutes? ›

Tricks for Learning and Remembering
  1. Use your mind's eye. Most people have a “mind's eye”. ...
  2. Learn in bite-sized chunks. ...
  3. Clench your fists. ...
  4. Use your nose. ...
  5. Build a memory palace. ...
  6. Have a good night's sleep. ...
  7. Use mnemonics. ...
  8. Talk to yourself.
17 Sept 2021

How do you get 100 in all exams? ›

A good and well-planned study routine will be required to score 100% in CBSE Class 12 exam. Students must try and focus more time on subjects that they are weak in while continuing to improve on the subjects that they are good at. Include adequate time for each subject.

How do I study like a pro? ›

7 ways to study like a pro
  1. Find the right environment for you. ...
  2. Create a realistic schedule. ...
  3. Set up discussions with classmates. ...
  4. Eat, sleep and exercise. ...
  5. Take breaks. ...
  6. Understand the material rather than memorising it. ...
  7. Swap notes with a friend the day before.

What are the 5 good study habits? ›

Five good study habits
  • Make a schedule. Number one on any list of study habits has to be making a schedule. ...
  • Create your environment. This one is so important while we're on lockdown. ...
  • Study in bursts. Treat your brain like a muscle. ...
  • Sleep. Of all the tips on this list, this could be the most important. ...
  • Find a study group.
6 Apr 2020

What are the 7 types of effective study habits? ›

7 Effective Study Habits for School
  • Establish a study area at home. ...
  • Communicate with the teacher. ...
  • Keep assignments organized. ...
  • Avoid procrastination. ...
  • Take notes in class. ...
  • Highlight key concepts in the reading materials. ...
  • Prepare your book-bag before going to bed.

What are the 10 good study habits? ›

Help your child succeed with these top study habits:
  • Get Organized. ...
  • Know the Expectations. ...
  • Designate a Study Area. ...
  • Develop a Study Plan. ...
  • Think Positively. ...
  • Create a Study Group. ...
  • Practice Active Listening. ...
  • Review Test-Taking Strategies.

Is studying at 3am good? ›

Studying at 3 AM is a good idea for those who have more brain power and higher energy levels in the wee hours of the night. The same is true for those who can focus more at night as they have accomplished their everyday tasks already and have fewer distractions and interruptions to worry about.

Is studying at night good? ›

Studying at Night

Hence, the evening or night time is a more effective time for them to read and study. Studying at this time also helps to improve your concentration and creativity as there are fewer distractions, and with everyone in bed, there is definitely peace and quiet.

Which subject should I study first? ›

(1) Always do HARDEST subjects first, and then EASIEST last

- You have the most energy and concentration when you first begin working which will help you attack the difficult work, fatigue will not set in. - Mentally you are relieved and happy when it is done, and confident about your remaining work.

When should you stop studying? ›

If you've been studying the same material for an hour, without a break, it's time to stop studying (for now). After an hour of focusing on the same content, our brains begin to process and store less and less information. At this point, you should stop studying and do one of the following: take a 15-minute break.

Is studying early in the morning good? ›

There are many benefits of studying early in the morning as it not only helps you remember better but also keeps your body healthy! Nonetheless, waking up early to study can still be very difficult lest you know how to manage studying in the morning.

How can I study smarter? ›

7 College Tips on How to Study Smarter Not Harder
  1. Pick up the reins of your education.
  2. Take old-fashioned notes.
  3. Cut down on busy-work.
  4. Do things while they are fresh on your mind.
  5. Take care of yourself physically.
  6. Know what study space works for you.
  7. Know your best studying time.
13 Sept 2021

How can I learn faster without forgetting? ›

Now let's look at some of the ways research shows you can remember more and forget less:
  1. Drink coffee to improve memory consolidation. ...
  2. Meditate to improve working memory.
  3. Eat berries for better long-term memory.
  4. Exercise to improve memory recall.
  5. Chew gum to make stronger memories.
  6. Sleep more to consolidate memories.
30 Jul 2015

How do you overcome weak subjects? ›

7: Try SQ3R Study Technique:
  1. 1: Accept it and Find the Why?
  2. 2: Improve your confidence.
  3. 3: Strong your basics.
  4. 4: Learn with Friends or Teachers:
  5. 5: Give more time to your weak subject.
  6. 6: Change your way of studying.
  7. 7: Try SQ3R Study Technique:
12 May 2021

Who is a weak student? ›

Weak student is low academic achiever who is less interested in academic work i.e. reading, and writing. Weak student does not show much interest in study at all. S/he will not complete his/her class work and home work on time.

What is the most failed course in high school? ›

Algebra is the single most failed course in high school, the most failed course in community college, and, along with English language for nonnative speakers, the single biggest academic reason that community colleges have a high dropout rate.

What is the easiest subject? ›

What are the 12 easiest A-Level subjects?
  • Classical Civilisation. Classical Civilisation is a particularly easy A-Level, especially as you don't need to learn languages such as Greek or Latin. ...
  • Environmental Science. ...
  • Food Studies. ...
  • Drama. ...
  • Geography. ...
  • Textiles. ...
  • Film Studies. ...
  • Sociology.

Is math harder than biology? ›

Ans. Biology will be significantly tougher than math. In Bio, there will be a few application questions, but they will mostly be surface-level thinking problems.

What are bad habits for students? ›

Break your bad habits
  • Highlighting. ...
  • Cramming for exams. ...
  • Unhealthy eating. ...
  • Multitasking. ...
  • Assuming you remember what you've read. ...
  • Not exercising. ...
  • Perfectionism. ...
  • Not getting enough sleep.

How can a slow learner learn fast? ›

12 Ways for Any Slow Learner to Easily Speed Up Learning
  1. Relax and Stay Calm. ...
  2. Remove Distractions. ...
  3. Eat Right. ...
  4. Sleep. ...
  5. Play to Your Strengths. ...
  6. Practice Makes Perfect. ...
  7. Mnemonic Devices. ...
  8. Try All Learning Styles.

How can I improve my achievement? ›

10 Classroom Strategies to Dramatically Improve Student Achievement
  1. Establish a climate of mutual respect. ...
  2. Set high and clear expectations for quality work. ...
  3. Insist on high quality by having students polish their work. ...
  4. Get students to read twice as much every day. ...
  5. Get students to write twice as much every day.
31 Oct 2017

What subjects should I teach myself? ›

10 Great Skills You Can Teach Yourself
  • 1). Coding. ...
  • 2.) Graphic Design. ...
  • 3.) Content Management Systems (CMS) ...
  • 4.) Microsoft Excel. ...
  • 5.) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ...
  • 6.) Marketing Analytics. ...
  • 7.) Social Media Marketing. ...
  • 8.) Copywriting.
1 Apr 2019

How can I study without teaching? ›

Read books and other materials about your subject.

No matter what you want to learn about, chances are there is a book or website that can teach you everything you need to know. You can find information about pretty much anything online, so start searching for answers to the questions that interest you.

What skill can I teach in 5 minutes? ›

27 useful life skills you can learn in less than five minutes
  • Skill 1: Change a tire or jumpstart a car. ...
  • Skill 2: Speed Reading. ...
  • Skill 3: Enable Undo Send in Gmail. ...
  • Skill 4: Use a fire extinguisher. ...
  • Skill 5: Survive in a rip current. ...
  • Skill 6: Righty Tighty Lefty Loosey. ...
  • Skill 7: Pack a suitcase.

What skill can I learn in 3 months? ›

3 in-demand skills you can learn in 3 months or less
  • Coding. Grab some java and start learning JavaScript! ...
  • Public Speaking. The Association of American Colleges and Universities found that 85% of employers rank oral communication as a very important skill when hiring recent college grads. ...
  • Excel and PowerPoint.
24 Feb 2017

What is the most profitable skill to learn? ›

Most Profitable Skills to Learn in 2022
  • Search engine optimisation (SEO)
  • Search engine marketing (SEM)
  • Content marketing.
  • Influencer marketing.
  • Content automation.
  • Campaign marketing.
  • Data-driven marketing.
  • E-commerce marketing.

How do you fully understand something? ›

Here are eight ways to tell how deep your understanding of a subject goes.
  1. Teach someone else. ...
  2. Try out a different set of past papers. ...
  3. Set yourself questions an examiner wouldn't ask. ...
  4. Compare what you know with more advanced materials. ...
  5. Test your knowledge in the wild. ...
  6. Try counterfactuals. ...
  7. Analyse the subject itself.

How can I understand something faster? ›

8 Powerful Tricks That Make You Grasp New Concepts Faster
  1. 1) Use mental associations. ...
  2. 2) Apply the 80/20 principle. ...
  3. 3) Break it down. ...
  4. 4) Write it down. ...
  5. 5) Connect existing knowledge. ...
  6. 6) Try Brain exercises. ...
  7. 7) Learn your way. ...
  8. 8) Teach other people.
17 Mar 2017

Is Feynman Technique effective? ›

The Feynman Technique is a simple learning method and 4-step process for understanding any topic or concept quickly and effectively. Some people call it a method for how to learn anything fast, and it really is one of the best learning techniques out there.

How can I study and not forget? ›

Simple memory tips and tricks
  1. Try to understand the information first. Information that is organized and makes sense to you is easier to memorize. ...
  2. Link it. ...
  3. Sleep on it. ...
  4. Self-test. ...
  5. Use distributed practice. ...
  6. Write it out. ...
  7. Create meaningful groups. ...
  8. Use mnemonics.

How can I study faster without forgetting? ›

Now let's look at some of the ways research shows you can remember more and forget less:
  1. Drink coffee to improve memory consolidation. ...
  2. Meditate to improve working memory.
  3. Eat berries for better long-term memory.
  4. Exercise to improve memory recall.
  5. Chew gum to make stronger memories.
  6. Sleep more to consolidate memories.
30 Jul 2015

How can I study smarter? ›

7 College Tips on How to Study Smarter Not Harder
  1. Pick up the reins of your education.
  2. Take old-fashioned notes.
  3. Cut down on busy-work.
  4. Do things while they are fresh on your mind.
  5. Take care of yourself physically.
  6. Know what study space works for you.
  7. Know your best studying time.
13 Sept 2021

Why is self study hard? ›

Staying motivated to complete things on your own initiative is hard, because there is no consequence if you don't get things done. However, if done right, self-learning is arguably one of the most effective forms of studying. There may be no teacher or guidance, but you are learning something simply out of interest.

How many hours should I study? ›

If you have kept a good daily and weekly schedule, 15-20 hours should be about right for a mid-term, 20-30 for a final exam.

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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.