Development and learning in the classroom Essay Example (2024)

In a quotation mark by Columbia professor and philosopher, Mortimer Adler, “ The intent of acquisition is growing, and our heads, unlike our organic structures, can go on turning as we continue to populate. ” The University of Kansas ‘ Circle of Inclusion Project defines developmentally appropriate patterns as ; “ the construct of developmentally appropriate patterns refers to supplying anenvironmentand offering content, stuffs, activities, and methodological analysiss that are coordinated with a kid ‘s degree of development and for which the person kid is ready. Three dimensions of rightness must be considered: age rightness, single rightness, and rightness for the cultural and societal context of the kid. ” A instructor ‘s occupation is to do certain that what they are learning their pupils is appropriate to their pupil ‘s degree of development. There are three chief countries of development, which are cognitive development, social-emotional development, and psychom*otor development. These types of development are a portion of every pupil ‘s life and it is of import that instructors take them into history when they are learning a category to guarantee that every kid gets the opportunity to larn the stuff required.

Cognitive development, as noted in the Classroom Assessment text edition, focuses on a kid ‘s rational operations ( Popham, 2011, p. 35 ) . In cognitive development, there is a “ construct of cognitive manner, which refers to a dimension of cognitive processing along which people differ from one another ” ( Morra, et Al, 2008, p 45 ) . When a kid reaches adolescence, normally happening between the ages 12 and 20, many alterations take topographic point. “ Intelligent alterations both quantitatively and qualitatively during adolescence ” ( Gumbiner, 2003, p. 27 ) . “ Adolescents get down to believe faster and more expeditiously than kids, even their mathematical operations are conducted more quickly ” ( Gumbiner, 2003, p. 27 ) . Jann Gumbiner continues to explicate Jean Piaget ‘s theory of cognitive development and how an stripling enters a phase of formal operational thought, which is the concluding province of cognitive development that normally occurs around the ages of 11 and 15 ( 2003, p. 29 ) . “ This phase represents a to the full mature, big manner of sing the universe. Adolescents in this phase execute logical operations and hypothetical-deductive logical thinking. They form hypotheses and so infer replies, whether it is about algebraic maps or real-world dating state of affairss ” ( Gumbiner, 2003, p. 29 ) . “ There are so qualitative alterations in the manner adolescence think about the universe around them that helps them to pass on better with grownups ” ( Gumbiner, 2003, p. 29 ) . Once pupils reach this degree of growing, “ they are eager to undertake relevant jobs, discuss and portion point of views about critical issues, and speak about ethical picks that impact their actions ” ( Crawford, 2008, p. 26 ) .

The rational development of striplings has specific larning demands. “ Adolescents that have diverse cognition, involvements and abilities need the chance to develop a scope of accomplishments and prosecute a assortment of content countries ” ( Crawford, 2008, p. 27 ) . If an stripling is capable of critical rating, drawn-out focal point, illative thought and logical thinking, they should be given the clip and chance to believe critically and be given a higher-level of analytical oppugning than they had before ( Crawford, 2008, p. 27 ) .

Glenda Crawford explains that a instructor ‘s function in learning based on cognitive acquisition is to pattern, steer, and aid as pupils think about and utilize cognitive schemes, and through pattern and over clip addition a degree of proficiency ( 2008, p. 69 ) . “ The typical characteristics of this type of learning include:

Mold: when pupils observe and listen while the instructor demonstrates and explains a undertaking.

Coaching: pupils perform the undertaking while the instructor supports and makes suggestions through constructive feedback.

Sequencing: pupils engage in more ambitious and diverse undertakings as proficiency is gained.

Externalizing: pupils explain aloud their cognition, thought, and logical thinking.

Reflecting: pupils compare their thought and public presentation with that of experts.

Exploring: pupils are helped to use, spread out, and polish their accomplishments independently ” ( Crawford, 2008, p. 69 ) .

Social-emotional development is what a individual learns from the environment around them. Thomas M. Brinthaupt and Richard P. Lipka explain that societal alterations begin in early to middlechildhoodby larning how to expect other ‘s reactions and internalise behavioural criterions. They begin to compare their public presentation to their ain work from the yesteryear and to those of other kids ( 2002, p. 4 ) . He continues stating that “ it is non until late childhood and early adolescence that ego and individuality most to the full reflect the interpersonal sphere, including egos that differ depending on the societal context. This is a clip when kids begin to demo greater independency from their households and when equal dealingss addition in importance and strength, peculiarly withrespectto appraisals of personal competency ” ( Brinthaupt et al, 2002, p. 4 ) . An stripling ‘s social-emotional growing is crafted by their cultural communities, households, equals, and schools, which in bend are set to steer individuality geographic expedition toward their personal ends, values, beliefs, and patterns ( Azmitia et al, 2008, p. 3 ) .

A pupil ‘s household plays a major function in the societal development of an adolescent adolescent. Brothers, sisters, and parents are really of import in the manner a adolescent may take to look at school. Younger siblings will look to older siblings as function theoretical accounts, such as “ when an older sibling is a good pupil, the younger sibling may besides vie to go a good pupil besides ” ( Gumbiner, 2003, p. 47 ) . When it comes to parents, striplings should be considered when doing determinations ( Gumbiner, 2003, p. 48 ) . “ A good parent to a adolescent is democratic and guides him or her into doing their ain intelligent, cautious determinations. Parents and striplings can discoursefamilyregulations, appropriate haunts, and safety. They will sometimes differ, and this is normal ” ( Gumbiner, 2003, p. 49 ) . Many times turning up adolescents will hold their ain sentiment on things such as drive, curfew, friends, fellows and girlfriends, and their parents may hold a different position. Parents should listen to their kids ‘s logical thinking and be prepared to negociate. Adolescents tend to acquire attitudes and become rebellious towards authorization, particularly when a parent is commanding ( Gumbiner, 2003, p. 53 ) . The activity environing a adolescent is what helps them turn and do better determinations later in life. Learning from errors is a major portion of adolescence. “ Harmonizing to Aristotle, immature people entered adolescence as unstable, and by the terminal of the period, they developed a sense of self-denial. The most of import feature of adolescence is the ability to take ” ( Gumbiner, 2003, p. 18 ) .

Adolescents face different anxiousnesss when come ining junior high and high school. “ Adolescents feel dying about loss of control, gender, dependence-independence, the demand to be rational, credence by equals, competency, and organic structure image ; these are age-appropriate anxiousnesss that are related to the societal outlooks of that age group ” ( Gumbiner, 2003, p. 44 ) . Adolescent relationships with their equals can do the most anxiousness because they are seeking to interrupt from dependance to independence from their parents and their friends become the focal point of dignity ( Gumbiner, 2003, p. 45 ) . “ The increasing impact of others ‘ perceptual experience of the ego is partially due to the psychological alterations that take topographic point in adolescence. They start believing about their hereafter and can organize hypotheses about what may or may non alter in their personalities, behaviour, instruction, household, and relationships with friends and intimate spouses ” ( Brinthaupt et al, 2002, p. 33 ) .

“ Adolescents thrive in a acquisition environment where they are motivated personally, guided socially, challenged intellectively, and supported deliberately as they engage in relevant and meaningful acquisition experiences ” ( Crawford, 2008, pp. 83-84 ) . Students learn from their milieus and when they are in a schoolroom, instructors need to take the schoolroom environment into history. Crawford besides believes that the usage of flexible grouping is indispensable to their societal dimension that enables pupils to interact with their equals on a assortment of prosecuting, suitably complex undertakings ( 2008, p. 84 ) . “ Adolescents thrive in a nonthreatening puting where they feel emotionally safe to prove thoughts, to utilize their diverse endowments, and to negociate and reflect upon how others perceive them and who they are going as human existences. A safe schoolroom is free of intimidation, embarrassment, confusion, ridicule, defeat, ennui, and societal exclusion ” ( Crawford, 2008, p. 86 ) .

“ Social groupings balanced by such factors as gender, ability, leading, job resolution, originative or artistic endowment, cognitive abilities, backgrounds and linguistic communications, and energy degrees are known as folks that are helpful with schoolroom direction and direction ” ( Crawford, 2008, p. 89 ) . Social groupings promote societal accomplishments, it builds community among the pupils, and it gives the pupils a sense of belonging ; and this sense of belonging and inclusion in the schoolroom maximizes larning ( Crawford, 2008, p. 89 ) . In the groupings, there needs to be a sense of single answerability. Adolescence may be really societal, but they may non hold the personal accomplishments that are needed for true coaction and instructors need to take that into history when making group undertakings ( Crawford, 2008, p. 93 ) . Having a rubric for group undertakings on each person ‘s public presentation would be a good manner to mensurate what the pupil ‘s input was on the undertaking and it guarantees that each pupil has done its portion.

“ Some elements of an stripling ‘s demands as scholars when a instructor is seeking to learn them are:

Avowal: The demand to experience accepted, safe, cared about, listened to, and acknowledged.

Contribution: The demand to do a difference, conveying alone positions, collaborate reciprocally on common ends, and aid others win.

Purpose: The demand to understand the significance of larning and how it impacts and makes a difference personally and with the drawn-out community.

Power: The demand to do picks, create quality work, and have reliable support.

Challenge: The demand for work that complements and stretches strengths and, through personal attempt, leads to success and achievement ” ( Crawford, 2008, p. 85 ) .

Crawford continues to demo how these elements support a positive schoolroom that requires instructors to reflect upon and respond continually to the many ways pupils ‘ differ in preparedness, involvements, larning manners, background, civilization, and place life ( 2008, p. 85 ) .

The concluding type of development is psychom*otor development. Webster ‘s dictionary defines psychom*otor development as a patterned advance acquisition of accomplishments affecting mental and motor activities ( psychom*otor development ) . Popham describes measuring psychom*otor by aiming a pupil ‘s large-muscle or small-muscle accomplishments ( 2011, p. 35 ) . Psychom*otor accomplishments include any such activity affecting motion such as playing athleticss games in gym category, typing on a keyboard, larning how to drive a vehicle, or playing an instrument in set category. It has to make with coordination between your encephalon and the parts of your organic structure such as your custodies, weaponries, pess, and legs.

Aims that are normally attempted are imitation, use, preciseness, articulation, and naturalisation ( Clark, 2004 ) . These aims contain certain cardinal words that instructors use when acquiring their pupils to utilize psychom*otor accomplishments. “ These cardinal words are:

Imitation: Transcript, follow, replicate, repetition, adhere, observe, place, mimic, attempt, reenact, and copy

Manipulation: Re-create, construct, execute, put to death, and implement

Preciseness: Demonstrate, complete, show, perfect, calibrate, control, and pattern

Articulation: Concept, solve, combine, co-ordinate, integrate, adapt, develop, explicate, modify, maestro, better, and learn

Naturalization: Design, specify, manage, invent, and project-manage ” ( Clark, 2004 ) .

In the Classroom Assessment book, Popham explains how Benjamin Bloom and his co-workers were the first to present the differentiation between cognitive, affectional, and psychom*otor educational results ( 2011, p. 35 ) . “ In Bloom ‘s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, it showed that a dominant sort of pupil behaviour was seen when instructors devise educational aims for their pupils ” ( Popham, 2011, p. 35 ) . These three types of development that were the focal point of this paper are of import to instructors when they are learning. Every schoolroom will hold different types of scholars, because no pupil is merely likewise, and instructors must happen a manner to link and learn every kid what they need to cognize in order to win in high school. Adolescents are traveling through so many alterations and it is a instructor ‘s occupation to understand that these striplings need counsel. By cognizing what type of pupils are in a instructors schoolroom, instructors can be prepared to measure them in ways they can make each pupil.

Development and learning in the classroom Essay Example (2024)


What is the effective way to develop the learning of the students? ›

Ask students to share information about each other's backgrounds and academic interests. Encourage students to prepare together for classes or exams. Create study groups within your course. Ask students to give constructive feedback on each other's work and to explain difficult ideas to each other.

Why is it important for education students to study the growth and development of learners? ›

The knowledge of human growth and development helps teachers to provide appropriate help for students with developmental problems. By understanding the different stages that a student's life goes through, educators can more efficiently develop each learner to achieve their full potential.

How can you improve the quality of teaching and learning in the classroom? ›

How to Improve Teaching Quality and Effectivness
  1. Make your expectations clear.
  2. Make eye contact and address students by name.
  3. Supplement lectures with hands-on activities.
  4. Recognize students' accomplishments and respond appropriately to their concerns.
Mar 24, 2021

What are the most important skills that you need to develop in your learners in teaching science? ›

The ability to make good observations is also essential to the development of the other science process skills: communicating, classifying, measuring, inferring, and predicting. The simplest obser- vations, made using only the senses, are qualitative observations.

How do students learn best in the classroom? ›

Students learn best when they're challenged with novelty, a variety of materials, and a range of instructional strategies. Law of feedback. Effective learning takes place when students receive immediate and specific feedback on their performance.

How could we improve the learning experience answer? ›

Right now, one of the best things you can do is give your students opportunities to make personal connections. For example, assign group work or group study tasks that require students to pair off or work in teams. You can also spend a few minutes checking in with each of your students to make sure they're learning.

What is the importance of developing the whole being of a learner? ›

Developing the whole person, rather than just the skills that directly correlate to tasks or projects, will not only improve your knowledge base but will also allow you to navigate challenges, thrive in your workplace, and produce innovative solutions to drive your organization forward.

How does education contribute to the process of growth and development? ›

Education enriches people's understanding of themselves and world. It improves the quality of their lives and leads to broad social benefits to individuals and society. Education raises people's productivity and creativity and promotes entrepreneurship and technological advances.

Why is it important to understand the development of a child? ›

“Understanding early childhood development can help you more effectively support your young ones, but more importantly, it helps children develop a strong sense of confidence and determination.”

How will I develop learning plans for my classes? ›

7 steps for creating a learning plan
  • Step 1: Measure and determine what needs to be learned. ...
  • Step 2: Set achievable goals with your students. ...
  • Step 3: Let students choose how they will learn. ...
  • Step 4: Assess frequently, evaluate, and reflect. ...
  • Step 5: Track progress in a student portfolio.
Sep 18, 2018

How can teachers maintain a focus on teaching and learning? ›

These include: Essential questions, which are used to determine the goal of lessons. Activating strategy, which is a method teachers use to get students excited about and connecting the content to their own lives. Relevant vocabulary, which refers to using vocabulary that students understand.

What strategies will you use to improve the situation in the classroom? ›

Try these effective classroom management strategies with your students to become a happier, more effective teacher.
  • Model ideal behavior. ...
  • Let students help establish guidelines. ...
  • Document rules. ...
  • Avoid punishing the class. ...
  • Encourage initiative. ...
  • Offer praise. ...
  • Use non-verbal communication. ...
  • Hold parties.
Dec 23, 2021

What are the important knowledge skills and values that you have learned? ›

The list includes:
  • critical thinking and problem solving.
  • innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship.
  • learning to learn/self-awareness and self-direction.
  • collaboration.
  • communication.
  • global citizenship and sustainability.
Oct 30, 2018

What skills are expected to be developed among learners when taught the subject science? ›

Observing, classifying, communicating, measuring, inferring and predicting are among the thinking skills used by scientists, teachers and students when doing science.

How does observation help the students develop facts concepts and scientific knowledge? ›

Observation is essential in science. Scientists use observation to collect and record data, which enables them to develop and then test hypotheses and theories. Scientists observe in many ways – with their own senses or with tools like magnifying glasses, thermometers, satellites or stethoscopes.

Why is it important to include active learning in the classroom? ›

Active learning helps students reflect on their understanding by encouraging them to make connections between their prior knowledge and new concepts. Often, active learning tasks ask students to make their thinking explicit, which also allows instructors to gauge student learning.

What are the most important things students should learn in school? ›

While the academic side of things remains primary and, to me, clear—students should learn rigorous math, reading and other academic content, along with music and art—a group of teachers, school leaders and parents raised some questions that have stuck with me about the challenge and importance of developing non- ...

What is most important about learning experiences? ›

Learning experiences can simulate real-life situations that learners have encountered or will encounter, providing speedy, targeted, specific feedback on the decisions they make. This creates a high level of engagement, relevancy and information retention.

How would you describe a good learning experience? ›

What is a good learning experience? A good learning experience focuses on being authentic, interactive, and collaborative to enhance engagement and improve knowledge retention. Besides, it adds value to the learner, encourages social learning, promotes learner self-assessment, and is inquiry-based.

What should I write in learning experience? ›

1. Describe your best learning experience. Think about your most valuable, effective, and/or engaging learning experience and in 250-400 words share your learning story. Don't editorialize or try to explain why you think it was your best learning experience, just tell the story.

How can we improve teaching/learning and assessment? ›

Assessing and improving teaching
  1. Self-reflection on teaching. Self-reflection is the cornerstone of a healthy, effective teaching practice. ...
  2. Gathering student feedback. ...
  3. Collaborating with colleagues. ...
  4. Assessing student learning. ...
  5. A guide to best practice for evaluating teaching.

What are the most effective methods of learning? ›

The Most Effective Learning Techniques

Based on decades of learning science research, the two most effective methods known to date are: Spaced practice / distributed practice – learning that occurs over multiple sessions at different points in time (for example, revisiting a textbook chapter once every three days).

What should teachers do to improve students learning? ›

5 things teachers can do to improve online teaching.
  1. Utilize a variety of technology options. ...
  2. Connect to students individually. ...
  3. Prepare to work with parents. ...
  4. Consider new learning methods. ...
  5. Provide collaboration and socialization opportunities.
Aug 9, 2020

What is the most effective method for encouraging self learning? ›

4 techniques to make self-learning more effective:
  • Have a Clear Focus: Your brain loves novelty, and you should use it smartly by uniting the knowledge towards your goal. ...
  • Learn Every Second: Every morning you leave your home your learning session starts! ...
  • Schedule Learning Sessions: ...
  • Take Massive Action:
Jun 23, 2017

What are five methods that help students become more effective learners? ›

Topics Covered
  • Metacognition.
  • Self-efficacy.
  • Evidence-based study strategies. Distributed practice. Self-testing. Interleaving. Study groups.
  • Self-regulation.
  • Student motivation.

What is effective teaching and learning? ›

The term 'effective learning' describes methods of teaching and learning that actively involve children in their own learning and personal development. Think of it as children learning how to learn, rather than simply parroting information or copying techniques from teachers or other children.

How do you maximize student learning in the classroom? ›

  1. Think about whether everyone needs a recap. ...
  2. Decrease the distractions. ...
  3. Structure your lessons well. ...
  4. Think about lessons as a sequence. ...
  5. Be prepared. ...
  6. Structure a routine. ...
  7. Provide written instructions. ...
  8. Manage negative behaviour.

What is one thing that you learned that will make your teaching more effective? ›

Although there are many different ways to teach effectively, good instructors have several qualities in common. They are prepared, set clear and fair expectations, have a positive attitude, are patient with students, and assess their teaching on a regular basis.

How will I develop learning plans for my classes? ›

7 steps for creating a learning plan
  • Step 1: Measure and determine what needs to be learned. ...
  • Step 2: Set achievable goals with your students. ...
  • Step 3: Let students choose how they will learn. ...
  • Step 4: Assess frequently, evaluate, and reflect. ...
  • Step 5: Track progress in a student portfolio.
Sep 18, 2018

How can teachers maintain a focus on teaching and learning? ›

These include: Essential questions, which are used to determine the goal of lessons. Activating strategy, which is a method teachers use to get students excited about and connecting the content to their own lives. Relevant vocabulary, which refers to using vocabulary that students understand.

How important is classroom management to the teaching/learning process? ›

Classroom management systems are effective because they increase student success by creating an orderly learning environment that enhances students' academic skills and competencies, as well as their social and emotional development.

Why is self-learning important? ›

Self-learning is an important skill for children as they journey through education and beyond to adulthood, building independence and the ability to progress without reliance on a teacher.

How can we improve self-learning modules? ›

If you only do one thing to improve your SLMs: General Tips

Elements include: text, graphics/imagery, videos, questions, and interactive features. To the extent possible, always allow learner control. Some may want to repeat or skip a section. Always provide closure on the learning.

How can you manage your self-learning? ›

Managing yourself
  1. Protect blocks of study time - try 45 minutes and see how that feels. ...
  2. Set a time each week to review, check and update.
  3. Prioritise assignments - it is often a good idea to tackle the most difficult, complex and demanding tasks first when you are freshest.

How can a teacher help students with different learning and thinking styles continue to learn more effectively? ›

How can a teacher help students with different learning and thinking styles continue to learn more effectively? Use questions of all types to stimulate various levels of thinking and valuing. Which of the following is best for a teacher to do when establishing classroom rules?

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