5 Ways to Improve Diversity Training, According to a New Study (2024)


5 Ways to Improve Diversity Training, According to a New Study

Organizations Jan 4, 2021

All too often, these programs are ineffective and short-lived. But they don’t have to be.

5 Ways to Improve Diversity Training, According to a New Study (1)5 Ways to Improve Diversity Training, According to a New Study (2)

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Based on the research of

Evelyn R. Carter

Ivuoma Ngozi Onyeador

Neil A. Lewis

5 Ways to Improve Diversity Training, According to a New Study (3)

Yevgenia Nayberg

Based on the research of

Evelyn R. Carter

Ivuoma Ngozi Onyeador

Neil A. Lewis

Diversity trainings, whether implemented out of a desire to improve corporate practices or in response to a public relations crisis, have become a mainstay of American organizational life. By one estimate, they are an $8 billion-a-year industry.

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Is that money actually creating meaningful change? In recent years, some social scientists have argued that it isn’t. And studies show little conclusive evidence that diversity trainings shift attitudes and behaviors in a lasting way.

But in a new paper, Ivuoma Onyeador, an assistant professor of management and organizations at the Kellogg School, argues that we shouldn’t give up so quickly. She and her coauthors—Evelyn R. Carter of Paradigm Strategy Inc. and Neil A. Lewis Jr. of Cornell University—reviewed the existing research on diversity trainings and used that data to make evidence-based recommendations on how to improve them.

“Diversity trainings aren’t going anywhere. I think that they will continue to be part of the toolkit that organizations use to manage their climate,” Onyeador says. She and her coauthors “wanted to offer some guidance about how those trainings can be as effective as possible, so that people who are implementing them have a realistic sense of what they can do.”

Here, Onyeador offers five recommendations for building a better diversity training program.

Be Realistic about What Training Can Change—and What It Can’t

Too often, organizations roll out diversity training with aims like “improve our culture and our company” or “shift our culture”—aspirations so lofty they can’t possibly be addressed through training alone.

Truly changing an organization’s culture to make it more diverse and inclusive takes years, not hours, and it requires tools beyond training sessions. “There needs to be a multipronged approach to improving diversity and inclusion,” Onyeador says.

Training, she and her coauthors found, is much more likely to be successful when it’s paired with other offerings, such as systems that hold workers and leaders accountable for reducing bias, a well-functioning bias-response process, and networking opportunities for employees from underrepresented groups.

And it’s important to understand that there are worthwhile goals that trainings can’t achieve.

For example, “if the goal is to increase diversity at the managerial level, there may need to be a different intervention,” Onyeador says. She points to a 2006 study of 700 organizations that found that trainings failed to increase the ranks of Black and Latino managers—and sometimes even caused managerial diversity to decline. A combination of mentorship programs and diversity oversight structures, by contrast, increased managerial diversity by 40 percent.

Set Better Goals, and Give Employees the Tools to Reach Them

So what is a realistic goal for a diversity training program?

Onyeador, Carter, and Lewis found that most effective diversity training programs help participants identify and reduce bias. “That’s what we argue is the proper outcome of a training,” Onyeador says.

It’s important that participants walk away with not just an awareness of bias, but also with specific tools to help them behave differently in the future. “Some people do want to change their behavior, but they don’t know how,” Onyeador says. It’s best, she and her coauthors propose, for facilitators to leave participants with two to three concrete strategies.

However, even the relatively modest aim of helping employees acknowledge and reduce bias may require larger investments of time and effort than many organizations are used to. Unlearning patterns learned over the course of a lifetime is a gradual process. For that reason, Onyeador suggests a series of workshops instead of a one-off training session.

Looking back on her own experiences as an undergraduate, “there was some diversity content at the beginning of the year, and then we never addressed any of it again,” Onyeador recalls. “A different approach might have been to have a series of all-campus conversations throughout the year. Obviously, it’s hard to coordinate, but it sends a signal that this is really important.”

Follow-up and reinforcement is essential. One study the authors reviewed found that accountability structures, such as affirmative-action plans, diversity taskforces, and departments devoted to diversity, produced significantly better outcomes than trainings alone. Another study suggested that, without reinforcement, bias can return to its pre-training levels in just 24 hours.

Get Comfortable with Discomfort

Often, companies are wary of diversity trainings because they’re afraid of making employees uncomfortable. It’s an understandable instinct: people from both racial majority and minority groups feel anxious when they talk about race and prefer to avoid the topic. Discussions of racism can also bring about defensive reactions among members of racial majority groups.

These kinds of anxieties have led many organizations to embrace trainings centered around the idea of implicit bias—the idea that unconscious attitudes and stereotypes shape our behavior. “One of the reasons people use the implicit-bias framing is that it makes participants, white participants in particular, less defensive,” Onyeador explains.

“It’s really important that the training not assume that everyone in the audience is a potential perpetrator of prejudice, but acknowledge that some people are targets.”

— Ivouma N. Onyeador


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The approach has merits and downsides. “Some of my work shows that when we frame discrimination in terms of implicit bias, people are less willing to hold discriminators accountable for their behavior,” Onyeador says. “That’s an unexpected consequence and not a good one.”

Instead of trying to avoid defensiveness and frustration, it’s important for facilitators to plan for them. That means not ignoring negative reactions, but actually calling attention to them. “Facilitators can help participants investigate, in a compassionate manner, why they’re having that defensive response,” Onyeador says.

Facilitators can also face resistance from minority-group participants who may resent content geared only toward the majority group—so it’s essential to make sure the curriculum speaks to all participants. “It’s really important that the training not assume that everyone in the audience is a potential perpetrator of prejudice, but acknowledge that some people are targets,” Onyeador says.

Taking time to acknowledge what it’s like to be on the receiving end of prejudice—and calling attention to resources for reporting mistreatment—may actually benefit majority group members, she points out: hearing what it’s like to be a victim “can increase empathy, and help with perspective-taking.”

Measure Efficacy, Not Just Preference

“All too often, training is conducted but not evaluated,” Onyeador says. “Not just evaluations of how people felt about the training, but assessing longitudinally what were you hoping that the training would change and do.”

Failure to measure can doom well-intentioned efforts. Without evidence for the value of training, leaders may not be persuaded to continue paying for it. That’s why setting the right goals at the outset is so important: if you know what you wanted employees to do differently, you can figure out whether or not they actually did it.

For example, Onyeador and her coauthors highlight The Ohio State College of Medicine’s efforts to increase the diversity of their incoming class. After a training aimed at helping admissions counselors identify how bias might be influencing their admittance decisions, the diversity of the next class rose by 26 percent. What’s more, admissions counselors reported being more alert to bias when reading applications.

Organizations should also understand that how employees felt about a training isn’t always a good indicator of how much they learned. In general, employees prefer voluntary training to mandatory training—but studies show participants in voluntary programs learn less than employees in mandatory programs.

In other words, participants can learn whether or not they enjoy the process.

Commit to Ongoing Work

It’s true that there are a lot of bad diversity training programs out there, Onyeador says.

“I’ve seen some cringeworthy ones,” she says—trainings that seemed poorly planned, led by facilitators who seem unprepared to answer questions or who were not supported by leadership.

But the existence of so many ineffective programs doesn’t mean we should give up on the idea of training altogether. In fact, it’s an invitation to commit more deeply to diversity efforts. The best training programs Onyeador and her coauthors observed were bolstered by “lots of investment on the front end, and inclusion in a broader diversity strategy,” she says.

As the authors write, “it is not reasonable to expect a transformation to come from training alone. However, a well-designed training program can be a catalyst that produces ripple effects within an organization, a community, and beyond.”

Featured Faculty

Ivuoma Ngozi Onyeador

Assistant Professor of Management and Organizations

About the Writer

Susie Allen is a freelance writer in Chicago.

About the Research

Carter, Evelyn R., Ivuoma N. Onyeador, and Neil A. Lewis, Jr. 2020. “Developing & Delivering Effective Anti-Bias Training: Challenges & Recommendations.” Behavioral Science & Policy. 6(1): 57–70.

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5 Ways to Improve Diversity Training, According to a New Study (2024)


What are the steps that can improve diversity? ›

Here are the steps to increasing diversity in the workplace:
  • Examine your company's composition and culture. ...
  • Evaluate executives' diversity. ...
  • Set goals to achieve greater diversity. ...
  • Update workplace policies to be more inclusive. ...
  • Provide diversity training. ...
  • Post to job boards for diverse candidates.

What is the most effective diversity training? ›

Awareness Training

Awareness training is one of the most effective types of diversity training. We believe every company leader must learn the skill of diversifying their workforce. Awareness training is nothing but a training session where employees know about various people from multiple backgrounds.

What are the 5 reasons why workforce diversity is good for your workplace? ›

Five reasons why diversity and inclusion at work matters
  • You'll have a better understanding of your customers. ...
  • Diverse teams perform better. ...
  • It'll encourage greater innovation and creativity. ...
  • It'll be easier to hire and retain talent. ...
  • It'll boost your employer brand.
11 Apr 2022

What is a diversity training program? ›

A diversity training program aims to boost participants' awareness about different types of diversity, appreciating differences among co-workers, and provide knowledge and strategies to enhance employees' interpersonal and communication skills across diversity to help build a positive work environment.

How do you improve diversity in a team? ›

How to Build Diverse Teams
  1. Address all aspects of diversity. ...
  2. Customize your vision and company culture. ...
  3. Redefine your recruiting strategy. ...
  4. Identify and eliminate any bias. ...
  5. Make employees feel valued. ...
  6. Practice empathetic leadership. ...
  7. Celebrate cultural differences. ...
  8. Provide leadership development opportunities.
22 Aug 2022

What are the 5 steps in implementing a change to develop a truly diverse workplace? ›

More in Columns:
  1. Train and sensitise your employees. ...
  2. Understand the various elements of a diverse workgroup and map which one will fit your business DNA. ...
  3. Don't diversify for extremely short-term goals like an award – give it time. ...
  4. Keep it strategic and inclusive. ...
  5. Avoid pigeonholing people.
9 Nov 2017

What is basic diversity training? ›

Basic Diversity Training (Awareness & Knowledge)

Basic diversity training programs focus mainly on generating understanding and empathy related to issues of culture and identity. Basic training programs might not change workplace behavior, but it will create a common understanding and an awareness of expectations.

How can I improve my training sessions? ›

Make Training Memorable
  1. Make learning fun. Why? ...
  2. Use humor. Humor helps keep enthusiasm at peak levels. ...
  3. Use attractive packaging. Use materials that are well-packaged and that communicate value. ...
  4. Encourage participation. Make the session lively by engaging participants in the learning process. ...
  5. Build self-esteem.

What are the types and importance of diversity training? ›

Diversity training can be divided into two categories:

This type of training is generally used as a sensitizer for employees. It deals with making employees aware of the importance of diversity in business. It also makes employees aware of their prejudices and cultural assumptions about others.

Do you think diversity training is effective? ›

Diversity training has been shown to help staff engage better with diversity initiatives. Research by American psychologists showed that staff who received the training reported they were significantly more able to successfully cope with initiatives.

Which of the following goals is the focus of diversity training? ›

The answer is D) All of the above. Diversity training seeks to accomplish all of the objectives listed. Additionally, organizations seek to elevate their degree of diversity in order to improve decision-making, as diversity has been shown to result in richer levels of thought and better decision-making.

Which is the best example of diversity at the workplace? ›

Examples of Workplace Diversity
  • An organizational team is made up of people from different cultures. ...
  • An organization makes an effort to bring more diversity to its leadership staff. ...
  • A company putting an emphasis on people with unconventional or different backgrounds is another example of workplace diversity.

What are the 4 types of diversity? ›

There are generally four different types of diversity: internal, external, organizational, and worldview—and you should aim to understand and represent them all. Keep reading to learn more about each one and how diversity affects the workplace.

What should a diversity and inclusion training include? ›

This type of training includes topics such as: cultural competency; inclusivity; bias awareness; anti-discrimination law; managing difficult conversations with diverse populations (including race/ethnicity, gender identity/expression); dealing with microaggressions or unconscious biases, and more.

How do you overcome diversity challenges? ›

Here are some ways that will help overcome diversity challenges:
  1. Take a look at your recruiting and hiring practices. ...
  2. Establish mentoring opportunities. ...
  3. Promote team work. ...
  4. Make inclusion a priority. ...
  5. Provide Diversity Training.

What are 5 things managers can do to handle diversity effectively? ›

Here are five tips to help you manage a diverse workforce for the best results:
  • Start with Hiring. ...
  • Create inclusive policies and practices. ...
  • Provide diversity training. ...
  • Facilitate effective communication. ...
  • Encourage interaction.
12 Jan 2018

What suggestions do you have to improve diversity equality and inclusion? ›

9 Proven Strategies to Improve Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at Your Workplace
  • Identify DEIB as a strategic priority. ...
  • Conduct pay equity reviews. ...
  • Recruit and promote from a diverse POV. ...
  • Create a robust mentorship program. ...
  • Consistently train and engage employees on DEIB. ...
  • Make sure benefits and programs are inclusive.
22 Jun 2021

How do you answer a diversity interview question? ›

When asked a question about diversity, discuss your direct experiences with people of different cultures. Refrain from saying you don't see color. Instead, explain the value of honoring diverse cultures and learning from others. If you are sincere in your answers to diversity questions, your true character will shine.

How a trainer can promote equality and diversity in their lessons? ›

This means:
  • Setting clear rules in regards to how people should be treated.
  • Challenging any negative attitudes.
  • Treating all staff and students fairly and equally.
  • Creating an all-inclusive culture for staff and students.
  • Avoiding stereotypes in examples and resources.
  • Using resources with multicultural themes.
1 Sept 2014

How can diversity be improved in schools? ›

How do you Manage Diversity in the Classroom?
  1. Get to Know Your Students. ...
  2. Maintain Consistent Communication. ...
  3. Acknowledge and Respect Every Student. ...
  4. Practice Cultural Sensitivity. ...
  5. Incorporate Diversity in the Lesson Plan. ...
  6. Give Students Freedom and Flexibility.

What are the 7 pillars of inclusion? ›

About 7 Pillars of Inclusion
  • Access.
  • Attitude.
  • Choice.
  • Partnerships.
  • Communication.
  • Policy.
  • Opportunities.

What are the 5 steps in the training and development process? ›

Training can be viewed as a process comprised of five related stages or activities: assessment, motivation, design, delivery, and evaluation.
Explore five stages of the training process:
  1. Assess.
  2. Motivate.
  3. Design.
  4. Deliver.
  5. Evaluate.

What are the 6 steps in developing a training program? ›

Six Steps to an Effective Training Program
  • Step 1: Define Your Training. ...
  • Step 2: Prepare Your Training. ...
  • Step 3: Practice Your Training. ...
  • Step 4: Deliver Your Training. ...
  • Step 5: Confirm Your Training. ...
  • Step 6: Audit Trainee Performance.
30 Sept 2015

How would you train employees on diversity and inclusion? ›

  1. Be Proactive. ...
  2. Start At The Leadership Level. ...
  3. Encourage Dialogue All Year Long. ...
  4. Develop Diverse Teams. ...
  5. Reinforce Values Daily. ...
  6. Create A Culture Of Inclusion. ...
  7. Evaluate Bias Before Employment. ...
  8. Communicate The Value Of Every Employee.
28 Jun 2018

What are the 5 dimensions of diversity? ›

The dimensions of diversity include age, race, skills, backgrounds, sexual orientations, and other differences that make one unique.

What are the 7 types of diversity? ›

But usually, when it comes to workplaces, there are seven types of diversity we pay attention to.
Here's a list of the different types of diversity in the workplace:
  • Cultural diversity.
  • Racial diversity.
  • Religious diversity.
  • Age diversity.
  • Sex / Gender diversity.
  • Sexual orientation.
  • Disability.

What are 5 areas of cultural diversity? ›

Identify five (5) areas of cultural diversity. Language, spirituality, eye contact, gestures, and healthcare beliefs.

How do you make training more inclusive? ›

3 Ways to Make Training More Inclusive
  1. Use Different Types of Content. Presenting information in different ways is an essential part of any inclusive training program. ...
  2. Allow People to Learn in Their Own Time. ...
  3. Ask for Input and Implement Feedback.
25 Aug 2022

How do you train a diverse workforce? ›

To demonstrate their openness and commitment to diversity, organizations and training programs must embrace:
  1. Integration of differences, focusing on strengths while minimizing weaknesses.
  2. Respecting differences and individual talents and ideas.
  3. Embracing what we have in common.
  4. Striving to reach a goal by working as a team.

How can diversity be improved in schools? ›

How do you Manage Diversity in the Classroom?
  1. Get to Know Your Students. ...
  2. Maintain Consistent Communication. ...
  3. Acknowledge and Respect Every Student. ...
  4. Practice Cultural Sensitivity. ...
  5. Incorporate Diversity in the Lesson Plan. ...
  6. Give Students Freedom and Flexibility.

How can diversity be improved in healthcare? ›

How to Promote Diversity in Healthcare
  1. Create a Welcoming Environment. Foster an environment of inclusiveness in every area possible. ...
  2. Address Issues of Bias Quickly and Openly. ...
  3. Encourage Diverse Applicants. ...
  4. Diversity for More Than Diversity's Sake. ...
  5. Listen.
1 Jun 2022

How can you promote diversity and inclusion in the community? ›

Tips to promote inclusion in your community
  1. Ask members to self identify by sharing their pronouns. ...
  2. Highlight diverse stories from within your community. ...
  3. Showcase members of your community with panels and lives. ...
  4. Work with fellow community leaders and groups to share your diverse perspectives.

How can diversity and inclusion be improved? ›

9 Proven Strategies to Improve Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at Your Workplace
  1. Identify DEIB as a strategic priority. ...
  2. Conduct pay equity reviews. ...
  3. Recruit and promote from a diverse POV. ...
  4. Create a robust mentorship program. ...
  5. Consistently train and engage employees on DEIB. ...
  6. Make sure benefits and programs are inclusive.
22 Jun 2021

What are the types of diversity? ›

There are generally four different types of diversity: internal, external, organizational, and worldview—and you should aim to understand and represent them all.
Here are some examples of internal diversity:
  • Race.
  • Ethnicity.
  • Age.
  • National origin.
  • Sexual orientation.
  • Cultural identity.
  • Assigned sex.
29 Nov 2020

How a trainer can promote equality and diversity in their lessons? ›

This means:
  • Setting clear rules in regards to how people should be treated.
  • Challenging any negative attitudes.
  • Treating all staff and students fairly and equally.
  • Creating an all-inclusive culture for staff and students.
  • Avoiding stereotypes in examples and resources.
  • Using resources with multicultural themes.
1 Sept 2014

What is diversity with example? ›

A wide range of interests, backgrounds, experiences. Differences among groups of people and individuals based on ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status, gender, exceptionalities, language, religion, sexual orientation, and geographical area. Diversity of experiences, viewpoints, backgrounds, and life experiences.

What is the importance of diversity? ›

1) Diversity drives creativity and innovation

Every culture, every nationality, every single person sees the world in a different way. Similarly, every culture, nationality, and person has different knowledge, perspectives, and points of view. When all of these different views are shared together, miracles can happen.

What are five points of cultural diversity in healthcare? ›

In her model, Campinha-Bacote describes five interrelated concepts: (1) cultural awareness, (2) cultural knowledge, (3) cultural skill, (4) cultural encounters, and (5) cultural desire.

What is diversity in the workplace? ›

Diversity encompasses the range of similarities and differences each individual brings to the workplace, including but not limited to national origin, language, race, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, veteran status, and family structures.

What are diversity practices? ›

In a nutshell, it's about empowering people by respecting and appreciating what makes them different, in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, education, and national origin.

How do you create a diverse workplace? ›

5 Tips: How to Create a Diverse Workplace
  1. Adjust your talent acquisition strategy. Be sure that your organization is recruiting from a wide variety of sources. ...
  2. Diversify all project teams. ...
  3. Provide inclusion training for managers. ...
  4. Allow time off for religious and cultural holidays. ...
  5. Hire a diversity expert.

How do you bring diverse groups together? ›

How to Build Diverse Teams
  1. Address all aspects of diversity. ...
  2. Customize your vision and company culture. ...
  3. Redefine your recruiting strategy. ...
  4. Identify and eliminate any bias. ...
  5. Make employees feel valued. ...
  6. Practice empathetic leadership. ...
  7. Celebrate cultural differences. ...
  8. Provide leadership development opportunities.
22 Aug 2022

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