15 High Paying YouTube Niches to Check Out! | The Digital Hustler (2024)

15 High Paying YouTube Niches to Check Out! | The Digital Hustler (1)

You want to start a YouTube channel but you don´t know how profitable it can be, right? Well, let me help you with that…

Most of the following examples that I´m going to lay out and that are related to each niche has been taken from the SEMrush platformwhich collects a huge amount of data that is analyzed and organized on a suitable manner, among other sources.

If you desire to enhance your earnings with higher CPC Keywords here some great examples you can use to your favor related to some of the most successful and popular niches you can find on YouTube.

1.Go With Your Passion/Hobby

It´s been said that when you do what you love it doesn´t feel like work and youmake much more progress at it becauseyou´re willing to put in enough time and effort.

The weirder and more specific the niche you´re interested in and the amount of love you have for it the greater the chance of succeeding you´ll have.

If you don´t know what to make your channel about you can spend 20 minutes a day for a couple of weeks journaling to reconnect with your primal curiosity.

I´ve learned this from the book Mastery by Robert Greene, you have to remove yourself from distraction and write freely for twenty minutes repeating to yourself the question “What did I naturally gravitate to before social pressure?”.

“Your primal curiosities are like your DNA, they are unique to you. But we lose touch with it as we get older. Many schools and universities kill curiosity. We forget what once captivated us.” – Robert Greene.

2. Digital Marketing

You can be a YouTuber that works from home and has learned how to make money online through different marketing strategies, teaching people all about what´s trending right now, how to use social media to leverage your game, what´s affiliate marketing, mobile marketing, etc.

There´s an entire spectrum of possibilities if you want to lead the viewer to a world of knowledge that expands each and every day.

This is the typical making money online type of niche or channel, if that´s what you want to do or you´re interested in, people are always going to be curious about learning how to make more money, much more curious if it can be done from the comfort of your couch.

A very profitable topic that YouTube loves to see more of and has a ton of monetization methods you can apply to further increase your earnings.

Blogging and Seo

One of the most popular sub-topics you can specialize when it comes to digital marketing is Blogging and SEO. (Search Engine Optimization)

Teaching people how we can share our passion/hobby with the world on a daily blog and pour with well-crafted words some of our knowledge can be a very rewarding experience, in more than one way.

You´ll also get to promote different hostings, online courses, digital platforms, tools, and many other services and products that can help the viewer in their quest of creating their own blogs.

In fact, keywords that are related to hosting are a great source of income because they´re some of the most expensive ones to be paying for if you want to advertise on Google or YouTube.

Examples like “Dedicated Hosting, Dedicated Server Hosting”, “Cheap Domain Registration Hosting”, are some of them.

Blogging is nowadays a professional career that has a high paying salary waiting for those who know how to make the most out of it.

[box]Income Source: Online Courses or Info Products (e-books for example), Adsense, Affiliate Marketing [/box]

3. Investing & Forex Trading

If you´re one of those persons that have a way with investing terms and the tricks of the trade or you have a couple things to teach about proper investing you might want to consider building a brand around your knowledge.

The financial world confuses most of us, myself included, and you could be one of the heroes that helps to clear the way so that the common folks like me can invest and benefit from the many gimmicks this great skill has to offer.

Actually, “Online Stock Trading” is a really good example of a high paying keyword for some Adsense revenue. “Forex Trading Platform” is another great one you should explore in case you´re thinking about going for this niche.

In fact, if you´d check out how the interest and the number of searches made about investing have tripled over the past five years you´ll be a little bit more convinced that this is a great topic you can cover on your channel.

15 High Paying YouTube Niches to Check Out! | The Digital Hustler (2)

Giving people advice on how to save and invest for retirement, how the stock market works, what is forex trading and so on, can make a great channel with a long-term plan and a successful career ahead if done right.


Now, if you want to be one of those adventurers on one of the last trades of the business you should absolutely focus on bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, in general.

These virtual currencies completely independent from government control or any central authority sparks so much interest in the audience that you can easily build an entire channel about the topic and you´d have a massive following.

There´s no better time than the present!

You´ll find there´s a lot of people interested in learning more about how to invest in these new forms of digital currency.

You can be the one that they could look for advice and tips on how to invest and what are the factors that get involved in these type of operations.

I found there is not as much competition as other niches so you should pay close attention to it because there´s still a lot of opportunities you could take advantage of.

[box]Income Source: Online Course or Info Products, Adsense, Affiliate Marketing for Trading Platforms [/box]

4. Insurance

With over $50 on CPC and, more than 24% of the total Google searches the insurance business creates a new set of opportunities worth to look into.

Keywords like “Car Insurance Quotes”, or “Auto Mobile Insurance Quote” have a really high CPM on YouTube due to the fact that they generate a lot of revenue for a company.

The same happens when we talk about loans, those type of searches haveover a $45 CPC rate with more than 13% of the total Google searches.

Mortgage-relatedqueries are over $47 per CPC and have more than 9% of the total Google searches, which is crazy.

So, as you´ve probably realized by now, this is another good niche you can explore and try to figure out what are the odds of having some success with it.

The truth is that you don´t see as many YouTubers specializing on this topic, so it might be a great opportunity for you to jump in!

You could combine this type of niche with some other money related ones, like investing and saving and create a huge channel with really high CPM on the platform.

Good enough videos could have thousands of potential customers already searching for tips and advice on how to get control over their finance.

[box]Income Source: Sponsorship, Adsense, Affiliate Marketing[/box]

5. E-Commerce

Another very interesting and profitable niche you can get into right now is building an online shop.

Whether is dropshipping or Amazon FBA, or maybe both, you could be one of those young entrepreneurs that are killing it by selling great products with awesome returns and making huge figures every month.

Franklin Hatchett is a good example of how good it can turn out and how much income you can make by dedicating an entire channel to this topic.

Tanner J Fox is another young entrepreneur that makes around 7-figures per year with his e-commerce stores and selling online courses.

Now, if you want to teach people how to create an online shop and become really wealthy through drop shipping you have to be honest and absolutely transparent with your tips, techniques and different experiences with it.

People tend to not trust income reports where it´s not clear the money source or where you don´t share some part of your successful products and the real numbers of the business.

Nobody will trust you if you say you´ve profit thousands and thousands of dollars with a single product if you don´t share how you actually do it, even if it´s the truth.

That being said, this is a great niche to be in and to learn more from, owning an online shop can be really excitingbut it also demands a lot of hard works and long hours of research and trial and error, A/B testing, and so on.

[box]Income Source: Online Course, Adsense[/box]

6. Web Development

One of those not so explored niches is web development.

With a really bright future and endless possibilities web development, web design, app development, and everything that is related to those is a fast-growing niche that is an absolute trend you could be cashing in.

If you´re interested in learning how to create beautiful sites, how to code on different programming languages, how an app is developed, then this is the right path for you.

There´s not a lot of competition and you´ll find that is a very profitable YouTube niche you could be part of.

In fact, there are huge benefits from becoming a web developer that attract a lot of people, so creating a YouTube channel around that could be a big help for those looking to learn more about it.

Some benefits that you´ll find in this line of business are:

  • You can work independently and from anywhere around the world.
  • There´s a lot of “flexibility” and extra bonuses in the industry because of the type of work and the demand there´s for good employees.
  • Web developers are in demand, so you´ll have a lot of opportunities and it´s probable that you won´t lack work, ever!
  • Last but not least, you could easily make a 6-figure income from your job if you make yourself indispensable for the company.

[box]Income Source: Online Course, Adsense[/box]

7. Tech Reviews

If you are into tech and you love getting to know the last advances and different types of equipment in the industry then you should make a YouTube channel about it!

A lot of money to be made if you´re a tech gick and you know how to reach your audience.

It is mainly a product based type of channel so your first monetization method should be around that. Amazon Associates is the obvious choice, but also adding some sponsors to the equation once you´ve reached some level of success with your content.

Specializing in a certain area of expertise, like phones, for example, could be much more productive than trying to cover every cool gadget out there.

Apps Reviews

One way to try and stand out from the crowd is by making a whole channel around Apps!

Why? Well… simply because there are not so many YouTubers that dedicate a large portion of their content to reviewing some of the best apps in the market, and there are tons of them.

[box]Income Source: Sponsorship, Adsense, Affiliate Marketing[/box]

8. Health & Fitness

Now, if you interested in talking about lifting some weights, stay healthy, lose a couple of pounds in a natural way, learning how to solve some of the most common issues that people deal with day in and day out, then this is the best choice.

I´m talking about a really competitive and tough topic but very profitable too!

Make sure you do some proper keyword research and see where you can land your first videos at so you can reach your audience and get some traction at a very early stage.

There´s an infinite number of products, services, and information you can build your channel upon and grow both in earnings and viewership if you do it right.

I would suggest you focus on a single topic at first, let´s say diabetes or weightlifting, and start from there to see where it leads and how you can profit from it.

Mental Health & Psychological Issues

Sleep loss and memory issues, height problems, depression, IQ tests, personality disorders, are just some of the most common examples you´ll find people search about.

There are not as many people creating quality content about this issues as let´s say, the weight loss niche.

You have to address these problems with some serious research, study, and practicality, but the good news is that there´s going to be evergreen content that will remain relevant for ages!

[box]Income Source: Sponsorship, Adsense, Affiliate Marketing[/box]

9. Men´s Lifestyle

Lately, there´s been a lot of new channels emerging and building some good reputation on this topic.

One of the oldest and more trusted ones being the Alpha M. channel conducted by Aaron Marino, an excellent host, and a likable individual I must say.

His content provides great value and tons of useful information, and that´s the main reason why his channel has blown up and got to millions of subscribers on the last few years.

There are hundreds of great products related to how men´s take care of themselves, skin products, hair products, clothing and fashion, and everything in between that could potentially mean an improvement on a man´s life & style.

[box]Income Source: Sponsorship, Adsense, Affiliate Marketing[/box]

Make sure you check out Aaron´s channel to get some ideas and see how he has built a men´s lifestyle empire.

10. Business Advice

This a great, broader and general kind of niche that could assemble some of the previous ones.

If you want to talk about investment opportunities, business partnership, how to create an online shop, or do some video marketing for your current “real life” business then you should think about creating a YouTube brand around that.

Now, in case you´re actually a business owner then I would strongly suggest you that you create a channel and start giving advice and providing tons of value to people that might be struggling with similar issues that you´ve already experienced when you got started.

There are different ways you can build up a channel around business advice, the fact is that there are tons of opportunities out there, and not so many people that are mindset ready to take advantage of it.

[box]Income Source: Sponsorship, Adsense, Affiliate Marketing[/box]

11. Career Advice

Did you know that a good amount of your happiness relies on your career choices and well-being? Well, it does!

I´ve found there are not so many channels that provide good vocational value when it comes to career advice.

What are the current salaries for some new emerging industries? Where should we learn how to code or program? What does a digital marketer actually do on a company?

These are just some of the questions you´ll ask yourself when you´re trying to get some advice on your prospective career.

Engineered Truth is one of the few good YouTube channels that advocate for some of the more profitable careers there is and how to learn more about them. In fact, some of the major ones don´t even require a degree.

Now, if we´re talking about high paying keywords within this section then you´re lucky!

Some common searches that generate greater revenue are Personal Injury Lawyers”, “Personal Injury Law Firm”, which have very high paying rates when it comes to advertising on search engine platforms and websites.

“Attorney” is another high paying search that sits over a $47 CPC and has on average 3.5% of the searches on Google.

And these are just a couple of examples that could earn you a pretty decent salary if you start on YouTube right away!

[box]Income Source: Info Product, Sponsorship, Adsense, Affiliate Marketing[/box]

12. Self-development

A well-known and kinda typical path you could take is the self-development way.

You might think there´s no room for you here, but the truth is that there actually is! It solely depends on your creativity and how you provide value to people.

There´s always going to be a need for improvement, the human being exists for the main purpose of growing, whether is on our education, business or career-wise, maybe the way we relate with people, etc.

Relationship tips and advice on how to communicate better, productivity hacks, book reviews, mind hacks, healthy habits, you name it, self-development niche sells it.

Life coaches do exist, and they earn tons of money to give people advice on what they should do with their lives!

[box]Income Source: Online Course, Adsense, Affiliate Marketing[/box]

13. Audience Demographics Related

How much you´re going to get paid by Adsense when you get a click depends on a variety of factors, as you´ve probably heard.

Now, if you have a recently created YouTube account or you´re just trying to figure out what your niche could be a good thing to pay close attention to is audience demographics.

There are some known keywords and countries that usually have high paying CPM (, so if you want to check them out to get a better idea on where you should be investing your time and efforts then take a look at some of the examples given in this article.

In case you haven´t paid attention, here´s a comprehensive list you can use.

15 High Paying YouTube Niches to Check Out! | The Digital Hustler (3)

According to SEMrush data and other sources.

Another factor you can analyze to further comprehend what alternatives you have when it comes to high paying clicks on any given niche is where does your audience come from.

What specific countries are the ones that make the most of your audience, and/or where do you want to be aiming for, and how can you do it.

First things first, here´s a (not complete at all) list to give you a seemingly close idea to where YouTube might be aiming its efforts. (source)

  • Australia
  • United States
  • Norway
  • United Kingdom
  • New Zealand
  • South Africa
  • Canada
  • Netherlands
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Denmark
  • Germany
  • Belgium
  • Singapore
  • Nigeria
  • Kuwait
  • Japan
  • Ireland
  • Finland
  • France

These are just a few examples of what high CPMs look like. Ranging from $15 to more than $40 bucks the click you can rest assured that if you aim in some way to those countries you can earn a sizeable income out of your content.

But, how can you do it?

Well, the simplest way to achieve that is by using the exact same keywords, slang words, phrases, and overall language of the region you want to target.

Google and YouTube use these key phrases and words to partially understand where do you want to rank with your content. That´s if it´s an English speaking country.

That being said, there´s no real or official way to do this, the following are just some common sense directions you can take in order to get your content in front of the people you´re aiming for.

Here are some tools you might wanna apply to do just that.

  • Google Trends –You can perform a search on any given country on what´s trending and what´s not, even type a specific keyword that you want to be found for and see how trends into that region.
  • YouTube Channel Location Settings – On the bottom of your YouTube channel account you can change your location and see what´s trending on the country you have interest ranking for, it is another way you can optimize your content so you can be seen by that particular viewership. See what keywords they use, what type of videos they watch, etc.
  • Keyword Planner –Last but not least, you can also use the keyword planner from Google Adwords and see what other keywords related to your term or topic are searched on your country of interest.

14.Pets & Animals

This is a great niche with plenty of ideas and different topics you can explore, like pet breeding, training, health & care, among many others.

People will engage with you and your content if you can teach them about things that they love and that convey positive emotions in them. (like it usually happens when it comes to pets)

If you own or have owned a dog, a cat, or even a turtle you know what I mean.

You´ll create much more engagement and interest from your audience if you create awesome content that could help people to take good care of their pets and make their job easier by providing great and useful tips.

[box]Income Source: E-books, Adsense, Affiliate Marketing[/box]

15. Travel Vlogging

Yeah! Imagine that, getting paid to travel the world and create a whole different level of lifestyle and entrepreneurship at the same time.

You will have a lot of brand sponsorship deals offers once you´ve reached a good audience number and engagement. There´s money to be made in this niche if you know how to go about it.

It is also one of the most fun and entertaining niches to be in and you´ll get to know so many places and cultures that you could ever dream of.

I would suggest you start small and film your own community and home places so that you can practice your filming style and presentation, get a hold on the editing part and post-production.

Gear and equipment are another great way to monetize and earn some side income from your YouTube channel because there are many awesome products that can make your life much easier as a travel YouTuber.

Vlogging Lifestyle

Filmmaking tips and tricks, how to talk to the camera, how to speak in public, there are tons of unanswered questions people that are interested in vlogging have, and you can help with.

This is a trending niche that depends entirely on you. Meaning that is very much personality based, even more than any of the other niches I would say.

So, fi you want to share your life with a group of people that likes to watch eat your cereal in the morning then by all means… go for it!

[box]Income Source: Sponsorship, Adsense, Affiliate Marketing[/box]

Here some extra bonuses recently added that I didn´t want to left out…

Unboxing Products

Well, this type of videos and channels speak for themselves, and you can easily see they are a lot of fun!

There´s no downside to it, except for the number of competitors you´ll encounter along the way, depending on what type of products you´re going to unbox.

You don´t even need to be an expert or know much about the products, you just need to try them out and you could end up with a lot of free stuff once you´ve gathered a loyal base of subscribers.

It is a very profitable niche because it´s main product driven so there´s not much more than that to it.

You have to provide great value through your reviews and detailed descriptions but you´ll also have to be pretty entertaining while you do it if you want to beat your competitors.

YouTube channels in general, especially Vlogging, are very personality based, so in case you haven´t noticed, it´s not enough that give great insight about the product, you´ll have to do it with a dynamic pace and try not to be boring while you do it.

It could be a BIG turn off for some people.

A good example of a YouTube channel on this topic is Unbox Therapy.

Try to imagine the number of sales this channel makes through Amazon Associates, probably insane, right?

Social Media Channel

Last but not least, if you want to be an expert on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, or any other possible social network there is then this is the niche for you.

There is a lot to learn when it comes to social media marketing and its many uses to increase our exposure online and build a successful brand while you´re at it.

People love to learn how to acquire more followers, greater attention on the different platforms, what are the last updates, how they can take advantage of the many features every service has to offer, etc.

You´ll find that there´s a lot of money on social media too!

A brand new YouTube channel on this topic will find a lot of competition out there, but there´s still a lot of room too for new talents.

My advice to you would be to specialize on one platform at a time, on your very first videos you should focus all about, let´s say Twitter, explore its features, how people behave on the platform, how ads work, everything that is to know about it you have to learn it.

That way you´ll gain more traction than if you´d do one video about every single platform there is, spreading all over and not mastering any of them.

You know how the saying goes, “jack of all trades master of none”, right?

Wrapping Up

Now that you have a good idea what are some of the most profitable niches out there to start a successful YouTube channel that can become a great source of income one day let´s get into some quick tips to further utilize this new knowledge you´ve acquired.

If you´re interested in some of these or maybe other different topics you should do some more research about it.

Use tools like Keywordtool.iowhich is optimized for YouTube keyword research and find what other searches are related to yours.

You can also try the YouTube Autocomplete feature which reveals some of the main words that people type when looking for something.

Even taking a closer look at some of your main competitors by watching at their most popular videos, what keywords are they ranking for, what tags have they used. (in order to analyze that you can use the TubeBuddy Chrome extension)

15 High Paying YouTube Niches to Check Out! | The Digital Hustler (2024)


What is the highest paying niche on YouTube? ›

Most Profitable YouTube Niches
  • Make Money Online. $13.52.
  • Social Media Marketing. $12.41.
  • Finance & Investing. $12.25.
  • Educational Videos. $9.89.
  • Photography & Film Making. $7.31.
  • Cars. $4.23.
  • Lifestyle. $3.47.
  • Fashion & Clothing. $3.13.

What is the best niche to start a YouTube channel? ›

We know it can be hard to find good YouTube niche ideas, so below are some suggestions to help you out.
  1. 7 Niche Ideas for YouTube Channels. ...
  2. Beauty and style vlogs still hold the crown for most popular YouTube niches. ...
  3. Entertainment vlogs. ...
  4. How-to tutorials. ...
  5. Product reviews. ...
  6. Weight Loss & Healthy Living. ...
  7. Children content.

Can you have 2 niches on YouTube? ›

Once the audience increases to 10K or more you can go to another channel. Even though it appears as a single channel you will have multiple niches and you have more audience.

Which niche is best for YouTube in India? ›

In case you are still figuring out which niche to pick, below are the most profitable top 10 YouTube Channel niches:
  1. Gadget review. We tend to go for reviews before purchasing an electronic device. ...
  2. Unboxing. ...
  3. Gaming. ...
  4. Food/Cooking. ...
  5. Travel. ...
  6. Life hacks. ...
  7. Fitness/Health. ...
  8. Makeup / Beauty/ Fashion.
Nov 23, 2021

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.