139 Badass Bullet Journal Ideas (Ideas to Steal for Your Own Journaling Efforts) (2024)


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Bullet journaling is one of the coolest new fads out there.

It combines great ideas from many different disciplines:

  • It is a method of productivity and time management. It can combine a lot of short “to-do” lists into a single cool interface.
  • Bullet journals can also be a method of expressing your artistic side by making fancy artistic journals that look awesome.
  • Rather than keeping a diary of daily events, a bullet journal can be a diary on steroids. Tracking everything important that happens in your daily life.
  • If you are trying to create new habits (or break bad habits) tracking your new habits is essential. A bullet journal is a perfect place to track these habits.
  • Finally, with the many​benefits of gratitude, a journal is a great place to keep your daily gratitude journal.

While a bullet journal helps keep track of your busy schedule, habits, and to-do lists, a mindfulness journal is where you can wind down, reflect, and appreciate all that happened in a day. To know more, ​check out The Mindfulness Journal that features daily writing prompts designed to increase your appreciation for the present moment.

What You Will Learn

What is Bullet Journaling?

To put it succinctly as possible, bullet journaling is a method of organization and journaling that keeps tracks of just about anything you desire using bullet points and shorthand.

The writing is minimal, but the execution of bullet journals can be quite fancy, or quite simple and minimalist, depending on your personal needs and desires.

The original idea of bullet journals was created by a digital product designer named Ryan Carroll. Carroll states that bullet journals are, “to help you track the past, organize the present, and plan the future.

To find out more about what bullet journaling is all about, I suggest you check out the Bullet Journal website and/or check out the official bullet journaling video. These are both great introductions on the basic concepts of bullet journaling as well as good refreshers if you already have some idea of what bullet journaling is all about.

Links to Related Articles & Research

What I Love about Bullet Journaling

There is a lot to like about bullet journaling. However, there are two main things I love about the process.

1. Bullet journaling is dead si​​​​​mple.

While people can get quite carried away with creative bullet journal ideas, at its core bullet journaling is amazingly simple.

All you need to start bullet journaling is a pen/pencil and some sort of notebook. You don’t need any of the fancy pens, expensive notebooks, stickers, or any of that stuff. You just need the time, the desire, and those simple items.


2. I love way bullet journaling helps you ​keep many lists organized.

I like lists. I like to make them. I like to keep them. I like to track them.

Bullet journaling gives me a nice method of organizing, planning, and reflecting on many of my favorite lists. Many of which I will share with you in the upcoming section on cool bullet journal ideas.

It is great for setting goals and tracking these goals to completion. In other words, a great method to help you get things done. Something that I love

In the rest of this article, I will share many of the bullet journal ideas you can use to create cool lists in your own bullet journal.

Many of these bullet journal ideas are fairly simple, but they show the adaptability of the bullet journal concept.

Cool Bullet Journal Ideas for Every Journal

When you are making a bullet journal, there are often going to be some common ideas to add to your journal. Below are six of these basic common ideas for bullet journaling:

  1. Week at a glance
  2. Bullet journal “key” page
  3. Quotes page
  4. Social media password tracker
  5. Life milestones
  6. Brain dump

These bullet journal ideas are simple, but hopefully, you see how they can add up to some great ideas for the core of a bullet journal.

139 Badass Bullet Journal Ideas (Ideas to Steal for Your Own Journaling Efforts) (1)

Healthy Living

Most of us could live healthier lives.

Many of us start out with great intentions when it comes to healthy living. We desire to exercise more, eat healthier, drink more water, get better sleep, etc.

The problem is not one of desire, but one execution.

People often start these good habits like gangbusters. Doing the “right thing” for a healthy lifestyle, day-in, and day-out for a week or two. Then life happens and the new good habit falls by the wayside.

One of the reasons this happens is because of a lack of real tracking.

That is where these healthy living ideas to add to your bullet journals come into play. Simply track the execution of the habits below (or any other healthy habit). Remember that the idea is not to be perfect, but to try to develop more days “doing” the habit than days that you do not.

This form of bullet journal tracking will give you a realist idea of how you are doing with your healthy routines.

Here are some healthy lifestyle bullet journal ideas:

  1. Water consumption
  2. Home exercise routine
  3. Food log
  4. Daily supplements log
  5. Strength training page
  6. Weight loss log
  7. Gym routine
  8. Daily steps
  9. Activity tracker
  10. Daily mood
  11. Flossing
  12. Sleep quality
  13. Sleep time
  14. Workouts completed
  15. Migraine tracking
  16. Daily meds log
  17. Flexibility/stretching/yoga tracking
  18. Exercise log
  19. Migraines/ailments tracking
  20. “Junk food” tracker


In some ways, bullet journals were made to help out with your “business” plans and organization. Bullet journaling is the perfect format for tracking numerous work processes.

Here are just a few of the business/work-related bullet journal ideas you can track:

  1. To-do list
  2. DONE list
  3. Call schedule
  4. Task list
  5. Conference schedules
  6. List of leads
  7. “Special day” tracking for employees/coworkers
  8. Pomodoro tracking
  9. Project deadlines
  10. Brainstorming ideas
  11. Hours worked
  12. Short Term Goals
  13. Long term goals
  14. Project lists
  15. Contact list
  16. Office supply list
  17. SMART goal sheets
  18. Contingency plans
  19. Vision board
139 Badass Bullet Journal Ideas (Ideas to Steal for Your Own Journaling Efforts) (2)

Personal Life

I don’t know about you, but I am always forgetting little things I need in my personal life. Things like picking up some milk from the store. Or my in-laws birthdays seem to slip my mind.

This is where little “personal life” lists for bullet journals can come in really handy.

Here are some “personal life” bullet journal ideas to make sure you remember the little things that matter in your personal life:

  1. Bucket list
  2. Medical info
  3. Prescription list
  4. Movies to watch
  5. Restaurants to try
  6. Daily “Me time”
  7. Dates to remember
  8. Places to see
  9. New skills to learn
  10. Countries and places to visit
  11. Passwords list
  12. Relationship goals
  13. Dentist/doctor appointments
  14. “No TV” days tracking
  15. Podcasts to try listening to
  16. Called parent/family/friend to connect
  17. Music list
  18. TV shows to try
  19. Social media task list
  20. Social media time tracking
  21. Books to read
  22. Important birthdays
  23. Phone backups completed
  24. List of favorite websites

Home Life

“Home life” bullet journal ideas could easily be a subsection of the personal life ideas listed above. The concept is very similar.

This list of ideas is a bit more focused on the “tasks” involved with keeping your home life running smoothly:

  1. Cleaning task list
  2. Cleaning schedule
  3. Home improvement projects
  4. Cleaning supplies checklist
  5. Shopping list
  6. Meal ideas
  7. Cooking task list
  8. Vehicle maintenance log
  9. Household management checklist
  10. Garden/yard chores
  11. “Honey-do” list ideas

Self Improvement

As I write this, New Year is quickly approaching and people are already thinking about “life changes”, “resolutions” and general improvements for the new year.

If you want pure “bang for the buck” the best resolution for the new year is to learn something new every day.

When you make this commitment (and stick to it) your life will be improved in thousands of small ways you cannot predict, as you continue to grow, learn and change in small ways.

To do this you need to set a firm time everyday, or it won’t get done. In this time (30-90 minutes) you commit to reading a new (nonfiction) book. Or watching a TED talk. Or researching something that interests you. The important part is not what you learn, but that you make a habit of learning these new things every single day.

Below are many more bullet journal ideas you can use to track aspects of your personal life and possibly make changes for the better.

  1. Habit tracking
  2. Gratitude journal
  3. “I love me” list
  4. Habit triggers to avoid
  5. New Year’s “resolutions”
  6. Personal mission statement
  7. Self care planning (physical)
  8. Self care planning (mental)
  9. Bad habits to get rid of
  10. Things to be thankful for
  11. Daily affirmations
  12. Evening routine ideas
  13. Morning routine ideas

Financial Tracking

Most people know the importance of keeping a budget, limiting expenses and paying all your bills on time.

We understand the importance of these things, but like other good habits, it is easier to know what you need to do than to keep track of the things that need to be done on the regular basis necessary.

This is why ​the following financial tracking bullet journal lists can be such a cool idea:

  1. Budget log
  2. Monthly bills
  3. No spend days
  4. Tax-deductible expenses
  5. Investment idea log
  6. Investment tracking
  7. Things to buy in bulk
  8. Grocery budget
  9. Cash envelope system tracking
  10. Ideas to save money
  11. Coupon tracking
  12. Expense tracking
139 Badass Bullet Journal Ideas (Ideas to Steal for Your Own Journaling Efforts) (3)

Bullet journaling is the perfect format for tracking numerous work processes.

Crafts and Hobbies

To be honest I did not come up with many ideas for bullet journaling in this section because I actually think the best place to track THESE ideas is on Pinterest.

But if you have a bullet journal where you clip and add pictures, this can be a great way to do it. Add in pictures of the DIY projects or ideas you want to try into your journals and keep a track there of what you want to do “someday” and what you have accomplished.

Here are some crafts and hobbies bullet journal ideas to try:

  1. Hobbies to try
  2. DIY ideas
  3. DIY project idea “someday” list
  4. Craft supplies list
  5. Top websites related to your hobby/craft


Like business/work bullet journal ideas, the college/school ideas seem tailor-made to be used in this form of journaling.

There are many great education-related things you can track with your bullet journals.

Here are a few ​college or school bullet journal ideas:

  1. Daily study log
  2. Project progress chart
  3. Project notes
  4. Study hours
  5. Study schedules
  6. Test/quiz dates
  7. Assignment progress tracker
  8. After school activity tracker
  9. Grade tracker
  10. School supplies checklist


It takes a lot to keep a kid educated, happy, and healthy. Being a work-at-home dad, I get to deal with all the day-to-day obligations for our son. Keeping track of some of the things in my bullet journal makes the process a little bit easier.

Here are a few parenting ideas for tracking in bullet journals:

  1. Kids daily schedule
  2. Kids activities
  3. Ideas of things to do with kids
  4. Snack ideas for kids
  5. Kids essential info
  6. Book for kids to read
  7. Craft ideas for kids
  8. Merit/demerit list for kids
  9. Kids chore chart
  10. Things your child says
  11. Daily time spent with kids


I love to travel.

I take 3-4 trips a year for business conferences and 2-3 trips a year for pleasure.

All this travel means that I have worked these trips down to a science. I keep bullet journal lists of what I need to do before, during, and after flights. Checklists of what I need to bring. Plus some lists of what I have done/accomplished on my trips.

These bullet journal ideas make the process of travel a little bit easier (and certainly more efficient):

  1. Pre-travel check-list (flights, hotels, rental info)
  2. Packing list
  3. Trip itinerary
  4. Travel check sheet
  5. Vacation ideas
  6. Camping prep. list
  7. States visited /dates
  8. Countries visited/dates

Final Thoughts on Bullet Journal Ideas​

Well, that’s 139 bullet journal ideas. (133 specific ideas + 6 basic ideas) That should be more than enough for any bullet journal aficionados.

The secret to doing these bullet journal lists is to try every single idea shared here but to pick-and-chose the ideas that sound like good lists to make/track to you and your life.

I am sure there are many more great bullet journal ideas out there. IN the comment section below, I would love it if you would share your personal favorite ideas from this list. PLUS any ideas you can think of that I did not mention.

Lastly, if you are interested in learning how to find meaning in the daily grind, I recommend you check out The Mindfulness Journal. It contains actionable writing prompts designed to develop your mindfulness of the daily events in your life.

Thanks for your time. Have fun journaling!

139 Badass Bullet Journal Ideas (Ideas to Steal for Your Own Journaling Efforts) (4)


139 Badass Bullet Journal Ideas (Ideas to Steal for Your Own Journaling Efforts) (2024)


What are the 2 most important items in bullet journaling? ›

To get started with a bullet journal, you really need only two things: a dot grid notebook and a no-bleed pen. Look for a journal with a lay-flat spine, high-quality paper, a dot grid that's light and easy on the eyes, and numbered pages.

Can you give me some journal ideas? ›

Recap: 6 Journaling Ideas
  • Write down your goals every day.
  • Keep a daily log.
  • Journal three things you're grateful for every day.
  • Journal your problems.
  • Journal your stresses.
  • Journal your answer to “What's the best thing that happened today?” every night before bed.
May 2, 2017

What is junk journaling? ›

A Junk Journal is a handmade book of recycled and found materials and ephemera. The pages can be used to write, draw, paint or record memories, thoughts, ideas, and inspiration. The finished junk journal can become anything you want.

What is a bullet junk journal? ›

A junk journal is a book or journal made up of scrap pieces of paper bound together. Beyond that there are many many variations and interpretations. In fact, some people don't even use scrap pieces of paper. The beauty of a junk journal, much like a bullet journal, is that it can be whatever you want it to be.

What is level 10 life? ›

The idea behind Level 10 Life is relatively simple: You pick 10 areas of your life where you want to measure success — relationships, health, and career are a few examples — and then create goals and plans that will help you bring those areas up to a “10.” At its core, Level 10 Life is all about balance.

What are 10 tips in writing a journal? ›

Here are my top journaling tips:
  • You don't have to keep a paper journal. ...
  • You don't have to write first thing in the morning. ...
  • Get some accountability. ...
  • Start small and keep your expectations realistic. ...
  • If you've got writer's block, write about gratitude. ...
  • Try a new environment. ...
  • Schedule your journaling into your day.
Nov 13, 2019

How do you stop bleeding in bullet journal? ›

Most bullet journal notebooks have good quality paper but might have lower GSM. Go for bullet journal notebooks with higher GSM (between 160-180 GSM), so you can use alcohol-based markers and have minimal bleeding or ghosting through the pages.

Are Sharpies good for bullet journal? ›

Sharpie Art Pens & Sharpie Felt Tip Fine Pens

Sharpie felt tip fine pens are my workhorse bullet journal pens. They're affordable enough to keep four or five in my purse, so I end up reaching for them a lot as an everyday writing pen.

Can you bullet journal if you can't draw? ›

You can have simple ones that help you outline your spreads and create pretty lines. You can also have spreads that help you draw little drawings and symbols to make your journal pretty and helpful. By using stencils, your bullet journal can be everything you want it to be. No drawing skills are required!

What are the 7 special journals? ›

Special Journals
  • Sales journal. The sales journal lists all credit sales made to customers. ...
  • Purchases journal. The purchases journal lists all credit purchases of merchandise. ...
  • Cash receipts journal. ...
  • Cash disbursem*nts journal. ...
  • General journal entries.

What should I journal about every night? ›

50 Night Journaling Prompts to Help You Put Your Thoughts to Bed
  • What's on your mind right now?
  • What was the best part of your day today?
  • What's one thing that went right today, and one thing that went wrong?
  • What's something you did today that you're proud of?
Dec 21, 2021

What should I write in my secret journal? ›

15 Things You Would Write In Your Diary If You Had One Today
  1. Your Travel Goals. ...
  2. Details About The Person You've Been Crushing On. ...
  3. Aspirations And Hopes You Have For The Future. ...
  4. A List Of Things You're Grateful For. ...
  5. A Rant About Your Bad Day. ...
  6. A Dream Plan You Want To Make Reality. ...
  7. Your Horoscope For The Day.
Aug 6, 2018

Is journaling harmful? ›

So can journaling be harmful? The answer is yes, there are scenarios in which journaling can be harmful, but these scenarios are easily avoidable. Just like anything, you have to moderate the amount of time you spend doing it. You simply have to know when to stop.

Why is journaling harmful? ›

According to Stosny, journaling can become dark when you it "makes you live too much in your head," "makes you a passive observer in your life," "makes you self-obsessed," "becomes a vehicle of blame instead of solutions," and "wallows in the negative things that have happened to you."

Can I sell my junk journal? ›

Etsy is probably the most common place for people to sell their junk journals. It's a online market for handcrafted creations, and therefore a perfect place to find people who might be searching for a junk journal. Setting up an Etsy shop is a pretty easy process.

Do junk journals have to be vintage? ›

A junk journal doesn't always have to have a vintage feel to it though. Many people enjoy creating them with modern day materials and colorful magazine pages. And of course, for those of us who are artists, it's always fun to include our own art, either as a mixed media cover or within the pages of the journal.

What do you put in a junk journal pocket? ›

One of the easiest ways to add more interest to your junk journal as well as plenty of extra storage and tuck space is to incorporate pockets into your journal. You can fill them with ephemera, journaling cards, tags and so much more. Plus they can be a gorgeous decoration all on their own.

What are the 7 areas of life? ›

There are 7 main areas in life that are important for all of us;
  • Social & family Relationships.
  • Career & Educational Aspirations.
  • Financial Security.
  • Physical health/ leisure.
  • Life's routine responsibilities.
  • Society & contribution.
  • Mental, emotional& inner well-being.
Jan 11, 2019

What are the 3 levels of life? ›

When we talk about the concept of life stages, three distinct phases come to mind: childhood, adulthood, and old age. However, there is a greater degree of nuance to the life cycle of a human. We are all unique individuals that feel, think, and experience different things as we grow in years of age.

What are the 6 areas of life? ›

This was the impetus for creating the 6 Life Aspects — aspects that need to be balanced and fulfilled in order for us to function naturally and optimally.
  • Physical Health. ...
  • Family and Relationship Fulfillment. ...
  • Work and Career Prosperity. ...
  • Wealth and Money Satisfaction. ...
  • Spiritual Wellness. ...
  • Mental Strength.
Jul 6, 2021

What should I journal everyday? ›

Here's a list of things to journal about on the days you feel blocked:
  1. A list of things and people you're grateful for.
  2. A recent situation that challenged you.
  3. An (unsent) letter to someone in your life.
  4. Small things that bring you joy throughout the day.
  5. The best decision you've ever made.
  6. Daily positive affirmations.
Sep 3, 2021

What should I write first in my journal? ›

Start with the present moment (“What's going on?”) Or start with a feeling (“I'm so mad I could bust!”) Or start with a story (“Today the weirdest thing happened….”) Once you've started, don't go back to edit or rewrite. And don't think too much. Let it flow.

How do I journal my feelings? ›

Now it's called journaling. It's simply writing down your thoughts and feelings to understand them more clearly.
How to journal
  1. Try to write every day. Set aside a few minutes every day to write. ...
  2. Make it easy. ...
  3. Write or draw whatever feels right. ...
  4. Use your journal as you see fit.

What are top 5 journals? ›

List of Top 100 Journals with Highest Impact Factor
  • Nature – Impact Factor: 42.78. ...
  • The New England Journal of Medicine – Impact Factor: 74.7. ...
  • Science – Impact Factor: 41.84. ...
  • IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition – Impact Factor: 45.17. ...
  • The Lancet – Impact Factor: 59.1.

Can you journal on your phone? ›

Daylio (iOS, Android)

If you prefer to communicate in visuals, Daylio is the best journaling app for you. A journal entry in Daylio captures your mood and activities for each day.

What makes the best journal? ›

If you're new to journaling, a Moleskine is the best one you can buy. It offers the right blend between durability and price. You can buy these lined, unlined, in hard or soft-back. A good alternative is a Leuchtturm1917 notebook, it has thicker paper than a Moleskine and is cheaper.

Can I bullet journal in pencil? ›

Pens and pencils are equally sufficient for the purposes of journal writing. However, pens typically offer a smoother feel while writing (depending on the pen type) and are more likely to stand the test of time.

What does ghosting paper mean? ›

In short, ghosting means that you can see what you have painted as a shadow on the other side of the sheet. This does not mean that the ink bleeds. Ghosting is hard to avoid as long as you use a thin paper – the thinner the paper, the more the colour will show through as a shadow.

Is Sniffing Sharpie OK? ›

The National Institute on Drug Abuse for Teachers says Sharpies contain volatile solvents, which are liquids that become gases at room temperatures. When inhaled, solvents produce a "high." They can cause slurred speech, lack of coordination, euphoria and dizziness, and even Sudden Sniffing Death Syndrome.

What does rubbing alcohol do to Sharpie? ›

The ink molecules in the Sharpie are soluble meaning they will dissolve in a different solvent. The rubbing alcohol (solvent) dissolves the ink molecules and carries them with it as it spreads across the coffee filter.

What markers dont bleed through paper? ›

Water-based markers are available everywhere, most commonly in those cheap sets designed for children, but you can also buy artist-quality water-based markers that are amazingly versatile. Because water-based markers don't bleed through the paper as much, they're well-suited for use in coloring books.

Is it OK to journal by typing? ›

You can absolutely journal on a computer or other electronic devices. In fact, some people swear by these methods as a way to keep their journals organized and effective. Due to how much newer electronic journals are than pen to paper ones, it can feel almost wrong to go this way.

What to do if you hate journaling? ›

You can use social media, a curated practice, or even not writing at all to get some of the same benefits as people find through journaling. Finding your alternative to journaling will help you be more productive, motivated, and positive.

Why do people quit bullet journaling? ›

You're overloading yourself with too many tasks

It can be demoralizing if you assign yourself 20 tasks but only completed 3 of them. Assigning yourself too many tasks makes you less motivated to even touch your bullet journal. If it were me, I wouldn't want to open a journal to countless tasks that need to be done.

What are the 2 things we can do at the end of bullet points? ›

If the text following a bullet point is a complete sentence, it should begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark.

What are two 2 reasons why you would use bullet points for a list of information? ›

The effective use of bullet points in business writing can help highlight important information, direct the reader to themed lists, and improve a document's overall readability. These simple tips provide a guide for using bullet points successfully in business writing.

What are the three most common symbols used in a bullet journal? ›

Basic Bullet Journal Symbols. The most common symbols are To-Do, Started, Completed, Canceled, and Migrated. It's important to note that your To-Do symbol is your “base symbol” meaning you start every item with that and then it's modified to your needs.

Do bullet points get periods? ›

Use a period (full stop) after every bullet point that is a sentence (as these bullets do). Use a period after every bullet point that completes the introductory stem. Use no punctuation after bullets that are not sentences and do not complete the stem. Use all sentences or all fragments, not a mixture.

How many bullet points is too many? ›

Ideally, you should never have more than four bullet points per slide and each point should be written, wherever possible, on one line to simplify and speed up reading.

Do you put periods at end of bullet points? ›

If a complete sentence introduces the bulleted list, each item in the list should end with a full stop, not a colon, and each point should begin with a capital letter.

What are bullet points examples? ›

What is a bullet point? A bullet point is a symbol that is used in writing to introduce an item in a list. A commonly used symbol to represent a bullet point is a centered dot (•), but many different symbols and characters can be used in bullet point lists. Sometimes, bulleted lists even use numbers and/or letters.

How do you make a bullet point list look good? ›

7 Tips for Presenting Bulleted Lists
  1. Write list items to have approximately similar line lengths. ...
  2. Use numbered lists only when the sequence or count of items are important. ...
  3. Use parallel sentence construction for list items. ...
  4. Avoid repeating the same word(s) at the beginning of each list item.
Apr 9, 2017

What can I say instead of bullet points? ›

Icons are an effective replacement for bullet points. Icons use the same methods that images do, in that there is an element that the audience can tag the message to. There are several stock sites where icons can be found.

What do you do with a dot in a journal? ›

Just use the horizontal dots the way you'd use lines in a ruled notebook. It may take a little practice, but you'll be into the swing of it after a line or two. With a dotted journal, you have the added benefit of being able to break out of lined text into doodles or sketches when the mood takes you.

What does migrated mean in a bullet journal? ›

To Migrate a Task, simply turn the “•” into “>” to indicate that you've moved that Task forward onto the Task Page of your new Monthly Log or into an appropriate Collection. If you wrote down a book title for example, you would migrate that entry into your "Books to Read" Collection.

What is the commonly used symbol *? ›

Basic Mathematical Symbols With Name, Meaning and Examples
SymbolSymbol Name in MathsMath Symbols Meaning
÷division sign / obelusdivision
multiplication dotmultiplication
horizontal linedivision / fraction
27 more rows
Jun 16, 2020

What is the first thing to write in a journal? ›

Start with the present moment (“What's going on?”) Or start with a feeling (“I'm so mad I could bust!”) Or start with a story (“Today the weirdest thing happened….”) Once you've started, don't go back to edit or rewrite. And don't think too much. Let it flow.

Is it better to journal in the morning or at night? ›

Studies show it's better to journal at night because it gives you an outlet for emotions and thoughts that might otherwise keep you awake. Even though there is sound scientific research to support the idea that journaling at night is better, many people prefer to journal in the morning.

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.